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Thread: What would you do if you had cancer?

  1. #11

    Re: What would you do if you had cancer?

    I share BW's sentiments. Not even thinking about a negative "what-if-I..." is the best way.

    I'd even go so far that I am "sure" that I won't develop cancer. Call it mindset or just an affirmation or whatever. Call me a fool if you will.

    On a sidenote, as an "evolving" naturopath you can of course safely assume that I would not go for orthodox treatment. By now, I know lots of 'alternative' treatments that work to alleviate or even heal completely certain types of cancer (and some treatments can be applied to all types). Therefore I would try a lot of them (provided I can afford them because some are costly, even more in their sum when you want to do all of them simultaneously).

    But again: enough said. I agree with BW, let's better not even think about such things.
    This collector of useless clutter.

  2. Re: What would you do if you had cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dreamweaver View Post
    This sounds almost like a school assignment . What got you interested in this question javalinar?
    This thread is going in the wrong direction... so I just want to clarify the first point I made (if you also resonate with this statement) is "you are not afraid to die". If this topic makes you uncomfortable, skip the thread.

    All things considered, the thought of having cancer is something that produces a lot of fear/concern/worry in people. This thread is not really meant to dwell in that realm. It is more of, accepting a certain reality of life that happens to some people for x number of reasons (physical, emotional, spiritual, environmental, lifestyle, genetics, etc) and that because we're on a spiritual journey of growth/development (as IA56 pointed out), what are PRACTICAL ways to approach this.

    To go even deeper as to why I'm asking, I felt something "out of place" in my body over the past few weeks while doing energy work. I have the genetic factor and strong family history, but honestly, I don't feel fear or worry. It's not like I'm constantly dwelling in thoughts/fears that will eventually manifest that fear (LOA). I don't fear cancer/death, but I have two young children and a husband who is on a different spiritual path/journey. Matter of fact, he is a scientist, more specifically, an oncology researcher for a major pharma, and relies on hard data when it comes to any kind of medical treatment. Basically, anything related to the spiritual aspect of health/healing is pseudoscience. So if cancer were to be diagnosed, I'm most certain that he will pressure me to do a form of treatment I don't want to do.

    It would be one thing if my own health/thoughts/reaction/choices affect only me but that's not how it works most of the time with cancer patients.

    That said, this thread is NOT about me. It's a philosophical question to get a discussion going, so again, if this topic makes you uncomfortable, you can skip this thread.

  3. #13
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    Re: What would you do if you had cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by javalinar View Post
    This thread is going in the wrong direction... so I just want to clarify the first point I made (if you also resonate with this statement) is "you are not afraid to die". If this topic makes you uncomfortable, skip the thread.

    All things considered, the thought of having cancer is something that produces a lot of fear/concern/worry in people. This thread is not really meant to dwell in that realm. It is more of, accepting a certain reality of life that happens to some people for x number of reasons (physical, emotional, spiritual, environmental, lifestyle, genetics, etc) and that because we're on a spiritual journey of growth/development (as IA56 pointed out), what are PRACTICAL ways to approach this.

    To go even deeper as to why I'm asking, I felt something "out of place" in my body over the past few weeks while doing energy work. I have the genetic factor and strong family history, but honestly, I don't feel fear or worry. It's not like I'm constantly dwelling in thoughts/fears that will eventually manifest that fear (LOA). I don't fear cancer/death, but I have two young children and a husband who is on a different spiritual path/journey. Matter of fact, he is a scientist, more specifically, an oncology researcher for a major pharma, and relies on hard data when it comes to any kind of medical treatment. Basically, anything related to the spiritual aspect of health/healing is pseudoscience. So if cancer were to be diagnosed, I'm most certain that he will pressure me to do a form of treatment I don't want to do.

    It would be one thing if my own health/thoughts/reaction/choices affect only me but that's not how it works most of the time with cancer patients.

    That said, this thread is NOT about me. It's a philosophical question to get a discussion going, so again, if this topic makes you uncomfortable, you can skip this thread.
    Yes, I did read your right
    I am very interested to discuss this topic because it is to be solved to have the right mindset so to see this from a energy is possible...I am little bit in hurry...but I am very interested to penetrate this issue...thank you for bringing it is this kind of issues we ought to disscuss...this is what make us evolve as humans...

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
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    By Robert Bruce

  4. #14

    Re: What would you do if you had cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    No, folkĀ“s ..let us put our heds into the sand and sing a happy song and not talk about any serious issue at this way we can protend that there is nothing healt threath what so ever....yey!! so brillint.
    Well, I agree with you that of course one can talk about cancer and cancer treatments in general. I remember we also did and do a lot health discussion, even some kind of 'advice' if s.o. comes here with an existing health problem. And that's the point: existing, actual problem.

    It was just about the conditional wording of the thread title and conditional basic question ('what would you do if you had' instead of e.g. maybe the usual 'what would you recommend to s.o. who has' ...).

    So yes, I agree to you that of course these discussions are important, as with every negative (health or other) issue, if we talk about them in general or with s.o. who actually has that specific problem. So it was just the conditional wording that arouse some "resistance" (if you like to call it that way), but I think it's nothing to get so all worked up about now, IA56, you can relax again.
    This collector of useless clutter.

  5. #15
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    Aug 2013

    Re: What would you do if you had cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinera View Post
    Well, I agree with you that of course one can talk about cancer and cancer treatments in general. I remember we also did and do a lot health discussion, even some kind of 'advice' if s.o. comes here with an existing health problem. And that's the point: existing, actual problem.

    It was just about the conditional wording of the thread title and conditional basic question ('what would you do if you had' instead of e.g. maybe the usual 'what would you recommend to s.o. who has' ...).

    So yes, I agree to you that of course these discussions are important, as with every negative (health or other) issue, if we talk about them in general or with s.o. who actually has that specific problem. So it was just the conditional wording that arouse some "resistance" (if you like to call it that way), but I think it's nothing to get so all worked up about now, IA56, you can relax again.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  6. Re: What would you do if you had cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinera View Post
    It was just about the conditional wording of the thread title and conditional basic question ('what would you do if you had' instead of e.g. maybe the usual 'what would you recommend to s.o. who has' ...)
    Illnesses, symptoms, pain, etc in the human body are ways in which the universe is telling us about ourselves. One doesn't need an official diagnosis (be it cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, arthritis, etc) from a doctor to know there's something 'wrong' with your health/body. Also, intuition (that inner voice) plays an important role too in helping people to self-diagnose or seek help. I'm not talking about being a hypochondria. I'm talking about a very real possibility that something is not right but you know going to see a medical doctor could be more harmful than helpful.

    ... that said, there's nothing wrong with using the conditional wording "what would you do if you... " out of curiosity and/or earnest desire to hear what others would do, and not out of fear-based "oh my god, I think have cancer, what should I do?!"

    I wish people would stop being so critical and judgmental on this thread. This is supposed to be a safe forum for all of us to learn/share.

  7. #17
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    Re: What would you do if you had cancer?

    I like how you clarified your intent and gently stayed true javalinar.

  8. #18
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    Re: What would you do if you had cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by javalinar View Post
    Illnesses, symptoms, pain, etc in the human body are ways in which the universe is telling us about ourselves. One doesn't need an official diagnosis (be it cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, arthritis, etc) from a doctor to know there's something 'wrong' with your health/body. Also, intuition (that inner voice) plays an important role too in helping people to self-diagnose or seek help. I'm not talking about being a hypochondria. I'm talking about a very real possibility that something is not right but you know going to see a medical doctor could be more harmful than helpful.

    ... that said, there's nothing wrong with using the conditional wording "what would you do if you... " out of curiosity and/or earnest desire to hear what others would do, and not out of fear-based "oh my god, I think have cancer, what should I do?!"

    I wish people would stop being so critical and judgmental on this thread. This is supposed to be a safe forum for all of us to learn/share.
    Hi javalinar,
    I am of same thinking as you are Nice to have this feeling of mutual understanding, it is not often I got to feel it, but I am feeling it now and I am so happy. Thank you!!

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
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  9. #19
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    Re: What would you do if you had cancer?

    I agree with your last sentiment, javalinar. Once again, if you'd like me to share my experience I'll be happy to do so in private.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #20
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    Re: What would you do if you had cancer?

    Mine's easy....... i'd follow the Body Electroniocs healing advice, since i already do / am in an energetic/ spiritual connections....

    in mine eye, N.H.S. conventional Healing failed my parents miserably.......... struggle, suffering, pain, no resolution.... NO HEALING occured only time given, with LESSER symptoms.......

    .....this is MY experience & i am aware it is not others........ gud luck to all others, i pray you get the Best there is, without suffering, trauma or un-necessary PAIN x~ x~x ~x
    " the core of spirituality is to optimize your personal evolution" ~ Robert Bruce

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