Re: OBE Freuency and Health Issues
Hi dave
I have had that problem can get a little out of control sometimes I guess.not too sure why but I kind of feel like it is because of internal momentum. Once the flip gets switched, the momentum of the experience can snowball perhaps.
your story sounds similar to mine so far.I would get woken up several times a night with vibrations or astral sight, or other things and it got to the point where I just wasnt getting good was almost like getting woken up by an alarm you cant shut off every two hours.very frustrating and I ended up being very cautious and reluctant to start trying to project again.
A couple things that helped me
Stepping away from the topic all together.basically taking a break from any reading or thinking about anything related to oobe.
Eating food before going to bed.
You haveeyes each composed of 130 million photoreceptor cells. In each of those cells there’s 100 trillion atoms that’s more than all the stars in the Milky way galaxy.However each atom in each cell in each eye formed in the core of a star billions of years ago and yet here they are today being utilized to capture the energy released from that same process all to expand the consciousness of you. It's ironic in that you are the universe experiencing itself And all you are is a thought.