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Thread: Was this an OBE?

  1. #1

    Was this an OBE?

    I had a vivid lucid dream last night. In the dream, I met a friend of mine and we exchanged some basic talk. I'm wondering if this was an astral projection/OBE (although I become conciseness during the experience) or it was just a dream (not leaving the body). I sill cannot quite get the difference between a dream and being out of the body in the astral.
    My second question is if my friend was out of the body in the astral as well, or he was only in my imagination? (he didn't remember such a dream after I called him)


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: Was this an OBE?

    Quote Originally Posted by atanas
    I had a vivid lucid dream last night.
    Hello atanas.
    In the dream, I met a friend of mine and we exchanged some basic talk. I'm wondering if this was an astral projection/OBE (although I become conciseness during the experience) or it was just a dream (not leaving the body). I sill cannot quite get the difference between a dream and being out of the body in the astral.
    It sounds like a dream in which you became lucid- a lucid dream.
    In essence there is no difference between a dream or astral projection, except for some qualities. Both happen in the astral, but a nonlucid dream will usually be created or heavily influenced by the subconscious, while an astral projection will combine collective information with your personal symbology, and becoming lucid may make it easier to move away from the personal space to the collective space, if you 'get the message' the dream was supposed to give you in the first place.
    My second question is if my friend was out of the body in the astral as well, or he was only in my imagination? (he didn't remember such a dream after I called him)

    Technically, everyone is in the astral, so it's possible. But if he doesn't remember there is equal probability that he was a dream character you created to being his own projected double, so it's hard to tell.

    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: Was this an OBE?

    Thanks CFT!
    Any tips how I could move to the collective space while in lucid dream?

  4. #4
    russmi3 Guest

    Re: Was this an OBE?

    One way I used to get there more easily from a dream state is to repeat it to oneself before going to sleep. "I will go out of my body" "I will go into the Astral realm" Just repeat it in your head softly. I also found that reading about it in books or on here seemed to bring it about more. Always use positive thoughts like "I will" or "I can".....You will know when you go OOB for sure!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Re: Was this an OBE?

    What I do is simply to fly away. Usually I'll see some sort of delineation or change of phase- you'll know it when you see or feel it.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.


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