pk dream & lucid dreams
I haven't had an OOBE in about a week, but I have noticed a huge change in my dreams!
Things I used to struggle with are not a big problem anymore. I can fly easier and stay up for longer, shapeshifting is easier, my dreams are almost always lucid and vivid to the point where I can remember what I did that day before I went to bed! And it's fun talking to my dream characters about the dream we are in and about spirituality. I think one of the reasons my dreams are becoming more developed is because I don't share a bed with anyone anymore, so I'm not always waking up in the middle of the night from my husband's tossing and turning!
Last night I had an awesome dream! It seemed to go on forever! I had amazing pk abilities. Usually when I have these dreams I have to use my hands to guide the object, then I realize that there is just a thin thread attached to my finger and the object. But this time I did not need to use my hands at all! I just imagined the object moving and it moved. I could move anything! I even pointed out to one of my dream peeps that pk in this dream was easier than previous dreams, he nodded and laughed!
I would really like to know what is going on inside my brain while I am having a lucid dream compared to a normal dream? Why do people become aware? It doesn't seem to take much for me to become aware anymore (at least this week). It seems like I just show up in the dream already aware.
Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.