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Thread: Moving Other People

  1. #1

    Moving Other People

    I was 17 and it was my senior year in high school, class of 1970. This was the last week of school. Our literature class had been studying mythology all week. For the last day my teacher arranged a great surprise for the class. She was giddy and her eyes sparkled when she said, "I have invited a former student to speak to the class today. He's a warlock." I thought ok at least we didn't have to study.

    He began talking and making shapes on the chalk board explaining what their organization was about. I couldn't comprehend any of it so I became bored. He turned from the chalk board and continued talking. He was right over me because I sat in the front row. Now here's a new thing, his eyes started to roll up in his head and his eyelids started fluttering. That's when my body started vibrating and things started turning black. I was going under. I gripped my desktop so I wouldn't fall out of my chair. My teacher came and got me and took me out in the hall. She went back in the class room and closed the door.

    I wasn't feeling good but there was no place to sit down. I must have been standing for at least 45 minutes. She came out to get me and the warlock left. She told me he said one of the students had powers but he wouldn't say who. Then she said, "We think it was you." I looked around and everyone was staring at me. My teacher wasn't disappointed at the results of her surprise that day (which I think was really for her own benefit) but I didn't mind. I liked her a lot. So, that day I reflected over what happened in class. I know for sure I didn't want to be a witch or be near a warlock again. I didn't think it would be fun making people pass out either. To no avail, my abilities developed over the years without me asking for them and what's more my daughter can do this.

    One story about my daughter:

    My daughter was sitting in church during a sermon when she looked to her right and noticed one of her girfriends about 3 people down the bench from her. Her friend was listening intently to the Pastor. Maybe my daughter was bored. I don't know what made her try this. She lifted her own hand as if she were gently lifting the hand of her girlfriend. Then my daughter moved her own hand towards the left and down upon her own lap. That made her friend's hand do the same without the friend realizing this was taking place. Then my daughter snapped to it and quickly stopped. She really scared herself. No one in the church noticed. In our church someone would have said something to someone if they had seen it, but they may not have made the connection between the simultaneous hand motions of both girls.

    I like to think that people with "powers" if you want to call it that (I don't like the term) are regulated by an outside source to not cause harm when their emotions get the better of them. We don't need any "Carries" in this world to my way of thinking. We might be capable of destroying ourselves by our own sword and that would be fitting wouldn't it?
    I wouldn't think that if I were you. Think about it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
    Blog Entries

    Re: Moving Other People

    This sounds a lot like Eric Pearl's story, if you haven't heard about it yet.
    If it is what it sounds like, it's nothing to worry about or be scared- the fact that the man was a 'Warlock' had probably nothing to do with what happened to you, I can explain further unless you already know what I mean. Suffice it to say that you were probably exposed to 'higher' frequencies and that you probably "passed" it to your daughter, on and on.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: Moving Other People

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    This sounds a lot like Eric Pearl's story, if you haven't heard about it yet.
    If it is what it sounds like, it's nothing to worry about or be scared- the fact that the man was a 'Warlock' had probably nothing to do with what happened to you, I can explain further unless you already know what I mean. Suffice it to say that you were probably exposed to 'higher' frequencies and that you probably "passed" it to your daughter, on and on.
    I went to Eric Pearl's website and read some about his development as a healer by way of a higher source. Of course this is plausible for someone to be a vehicle from which an outside source channels. I would never have linked a connection such as Eric Pearl has with my school experience. So the frequency may be in you always then? If you have anything to add to help me better understand what happened to me I would very much appreciate it. I may not be getting the point at all. All these years I've thought the 'Warlock' was intentionally trying to hurt me. Thanks for your input CFTraveler.
    I wouldn't think that if I were you. Think about it.

  4. #4
    ranlinra13 Guest

    Re: Moving Other People

    Quite a few years ago, my boyfriend and I were studying under a very gifted minister. She was extremely accurate in her readings, was a Great Healer and extremely loving. She wouldn't teach us the "good" stuff - until we learned the principals of meditation and Universal Law.

    So, my boyfriend and I were practicing one day and he saw a spider crawling on the sidewalk. He began to manipulate the spider, making him move this way and that.
    We were so excited to tell our teacher about our/his achievement.
    But when we did, she was very displeased with us, scolded us on the Manipulation of the Free Will of another Living Creature and then we stepped back in our "training" and had to review Ethics and Morals.

    I agree with my very wise teacher. I don't believe that any of us has a right to interfere or manipulate another's actions or thoughts unless invited to do so. I do believe that if it is for our safety and one has broken the Universal law of privacy or some other one - that we also have the right to react and protect ourselves. So, my boyfriend and I always ask permission to "play" or try something new out.

    In dream, I came across the "Blue Ones". They are simply beautiful - they sort of float but do not displace air when they move - yet they somehow move with the air currents. They are extremly loving and intelligent beings. They do not force themselves on you but always ask to enter your space. One time, I called upon them for help because I was being attacked by some ET's. They assisted, but only to an extent. They said that the other party had broken the law and therefore we were not balanced - so they only assisted till the point that things were once again in balance.

  5. Re: Moving Other People

    I just want to point out that anyone with any shred of decency or knowledge would never call themselves a "warlock"... *sigh*

  6. #6

    Re: Moving Other People

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanth
    I just want to point out that anyone with any shred of decency or knowledge would never call themselves a "warlock"... *sigh*
    According to the story, the teacher called him that. There's no specific mention of him claiming to be a warlock. It could be that she used that term for the lack of a better one.

    Even if he did personally claim to be one, does that automatically discount decency or knowledge? How important is a title for defining one's own values?
    Nothing to fear but fear itself.

    "Fear is the great barrier to human growth. It is said that when we are born...we bring with us only two fears, of loud noise and falling. As we grow older we learn more and more fears so that by the time we reach maturity we are loaded with them." -Robert Monroe

  7. Re: Moving Other People

    It would certainly cause me to immediately not trust that person.
    They either aren't a good person (meaning they KNOW what it means to be called a warlock) or they don't know enough about what they delve in to be worth trusting (meaning they haven't taken the appropriate time to study what they think they are... we would call those people fluff).

    If you're wondering what I'm referring to... warlock doesn't mean "male witch".

  8. #8
    John Guest

    Re: Moving Other People

    Quote Originally Posted by WearsTheFire

    One story about my daughter:

    My daughter was sitting in church during a sermon when she looked to her right and noticed one of her girfriends about 3 people down the bench from her. Her friend was listening intently to the Pastor. Maybe my daughter was bored. I don't know what made her try this. She lifted her own hand as if she were gently lifting the hand of her girlfriend. Then my daughter moved her own hand towards the left and down upon her own lap. That made her friend's hand do the same without the friend realizing this was taking place. Then my daughter snapped to it and quickly stopped. She really scared herself. No one in the church noticed. In our church someone would have said something to someone if they had seen it, but they may not have made the connection between the simultaneous hand motions of both girls.

    I like to think that people with "powers" if you want to call it that (I don't like the term) are regulated by an outside source to not cause harm when their emotions get the better of them. We don't need any "Carries" in this world to my way of thinking. We might be capable of destroying ourselves by our own sword and that would be fitting wouldn't it?
    I had an experience earlier this year that is very similar to your story.

    I was at my grandson's birthday party, he was 5, and sitting next to his brother who is 3 1/2. On his right was a 9 year old girl who wanted to experience an energy exchange with me. Another story for another time. That girl was able to get me to stretch my arm around my grandson and touch the top of her head 4 times. Each time she did this I realized what she was doing and pulled my hand away from her head. After the 4th time she realized there was no point to it and stopped influencing my unconscious body movements. She was using some form of NLP at the age of 9 no less.

    There are more than a few young ones out there with skills that would amaze us. Your daughter sounds like one of them. I am the site admin for a group of psychic teens and pre-teens. We have 579 members at the moment. There are 2.4 new members every day. Not every member has a skill like this but that does not stop them from trying.

    I thought you would like to know about this.


  9. #9

    Re: Moving Other People

    Quote Originally Posted by John
    There are more than a few young ones out there with skills that would amaze us. Your daughter sounds like one of them. I am the site admin for a group of psychic teens and pre-teens. We have 579 members at the moment. There are 2.4 new members every day. Not every member has a skill like this but that does not stop them from trying.

    I thought you would like to know about this.

    Yes I am very interested to know more. Please post a link. Thanks for the info John
    I wouldn't think that if I were you. Think about it.

  10. #10
    Alaskans Guest

    Re: Moving Other People

    Quote Originally Posted by John
    She was using some form of NLP at the age of 9 no less.
    There are more than a few young ones out there with skills that would amaze us. Your daughter sounds like one of them.
    It seems like the occurance is increasing. Influencing people to do things isnt a big mystery, but controlling people directly like that.. pretty wild. At least the law of free will isnt broken (but bent), as you demonstrated John.

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