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Thread: Very REAL dream

  1. #1

    Very REAL dream

    Over the past weeks, I've been having some strong dreams, how me and a lot bunch of people are hiding ( I don't know from what) and stuff like that. But this night the dream was so real,so strong,as tough I got to understand something from it and I can't figure it out, maybe because my emotions are confusing me ( I spent almost half an hour looking on the window and in the house after I woke up).

    Please,have patience reading it, and try to help me with what it could mean,if you can.Thank you.

    It goes with 2 parts. First,and the lightest one, I am with my friend and all this planes ( we thought then) were on the sky creating beautiful and yet chaotic lights. So we need to get somewhere and she orders a plane. ( It isn't exactly a plane,more like those paper planes all kids do but bigger and real). I don't know who's piloting it cause I can't see no one, but we crash. We crash in a forest,wich apparently isn't a whole forest after all cause there are buildings inthat forest but we are afraid to go knock on somebody's door to help us (this was very clear to us, tough we never spoked it), so we try to figure out how we get home.
    And THIS is the second: Eventually,don't know how, we get home. I get into my house alone,my parents are there.My mother and father are looking at the TV,and I,looking on the window and seeing the chaos in the sky, start turning off the lights, turning the curtains and trying them to make sense,to tell them what is happening. I remember I had a panic attack while I tried to tell my father about what's going on (this attack happens to me only in dreams,sometimes when I am projecting too),so I couldn't speak but tried to say to look at the dogs, cats, and rabbits (!)out the street,look at them how they are all acting, and try to tell him to be quiet and don't turn on the lights again cause he was rather drunk and didn't take me in account. My mother was more lucid, she said that she knew something was happening. After a while,we all sat at the table, just father trying to eat, and we heard a very large noise of a helicopter right next to our building, right next to our floor. So I went under the table, told mom to do so also, and father remained still so that they can not see us.
    It was so reeeal, you can't imagine, every sensation was very very very clear and real as they somehow stopped the helicopter in front of our window and looked in the house, I was with my eyes closed, trying to say a prayer,and I had some energy fluxes that won't let me stay still and I was under the impression that they are doing something,like hypnose , or attracting me to them, like they were looking for ME. At this moment, don't know how, I pushed myself and woke up with the same sensations in my body as if I never left under that table and they were still there. Even now,minutes after I woke up and writing this, I can feel my heart hammering at this remember.

    What could it mean? Is this a message?
    Has this got anything to do with what is coming? (Considering all my dreams are in the same area)?
    May you help me?

    Thank you for your time...and reading this...

    Love and light,

  2. #2
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    Re: Very REAL dream

    Hi Diana. I think this one is for Beekeper, or Pneumaphor. (or both.)
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: Very REAL dream

    Thank you.
    I will wait.


  4. #4
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    Re: Very REAL dream

    I'm a little wary of "analysing" this one because I strongly suspect that the dream memories are overlays and that something else has happened. My initial reaction to the sound of helicopter is that it's a dream response to the sounds one hears upon re-entry. In any case, I'll see what I can do with it if that offers some comfort. I am, by no means, an "expert" and have read excellent dream interpretations by many others on these boards.

    Over the past weeks, I've been having some strong dreams, how me and a lot bunch of people are hiding ( I don't know from what) and stuff like that. But this night the dream was so real,so strong,as tough I got to understand something from it and I can't figure it out, maybe because my emotions are confusing me ( I spent almost half an hour looking on the window and in the house after I woke up).
    Presuming this isn't an abduction scenario we could ask, "What is being symbolised?" If everyone in your dream is an expression of the totally of the self of which you are aware, and everyone is hiding in fear, then that would perhaps suggest a feeling that you cannot expose who you truly are. What are they fearing? Is it abduction? If so, it may express fear of losing parts of yourself or losing the comfort of the familiar.

    It goes with 2 parts. First,and the lightest one, I am with my friend and all this planes ( we thought then) were on the sky creating beautiful and yet chaotic lights. So we need to get somewhere and she orders a plane. ( It isn't exactly a plane,more like those paper planes all kids do but bigger and real). I don't know who's piloting it cause I can't see no one, but we crash.
    My hunch here is that you've been doing a lot of reading , talking or viewing about a topic of interest (perhaps studying). The illumination you get from all these ideas is both appealing and chaotic. Perhaps so many new ideas or views are making you feel a little unhinged. The plane is a vehicle and it's of the air, so possibly related to mental pursuits. If you don't know who's piloting, perhaps you're uncertain about what you think in a particular situation and if you can trust your sources. A situation where you do not feel in control and where you're uncertain if you can trust the person/people in control could be indicated here. It may be a situation that is developing very rapidly.

    Alternately, you amy be afraid to soar, adventure, be free and advance yourself. You may feel inadequate (a "paper" plane is flimsy).

    We crash in a forest,wich apparently isn't a whole forest after all cause there are buildings in that forest but we are afraid to go knock on somebody's door to help us (this was very clear to us, though we never spoke it), so we try to figure out how we get home.
    Please note: You survived. Your way of thinking might be different but you're still intact. A forest is a place where you can be easily lost but you have a companion and you immediately find signs of the familiar. Help is available but you intuitively feel it's not something you want right away. You would rather feel your own way to comfort and security.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  5. #5
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    Re: Very REAL dream

    And THIS is the second: Eventually,don't know how, we get home. I get into my house alone,my parents are there.My mother and father are looking at the TV,and I,looking on the window and seeing the chaos in the sky, start turning off the lights, turning the curtains and trying them to make sense,to tell them what is happening.
    Could this represent a feeling that part of you feels “anaesthetized” by acceptance of illusion or mediated “reality” when something entirely different is apparent to the more aware parts of your self?

    I remember I had a panic attack while I tried to tell my father about what's going on (this attack happens to me only in dreams, sometimes when I am projecting too), so I couldn't speak …
    Speechlessness here may indicate a sense that you’re not being heard in life in some matter of concern but it could be about a disconnect between intuition and the expressive, creative you. It may be your logical, conscious self ignoring your more intuitive, instinctual needs/feelings.

    .. but tried to say to look at the dogs, cats, and rabbits (!)out the street, look at them how they are all acting,
    These creatures are also you. They are indicative of more instinctive aspects and indicate panic.

    ,,,and try to tell him to be quiet and don't turn on the lights again cause he was rather drunk and didn't take me in account.

    Again, it seems your masculine side or an actual male in your life is too powerful and doesn’t really know what it’s doing. The fact he is intoxicated suggests he lacks control, reason and balance. The turning on of lights when darkness is required suggests to me an excess of yang energy. Extreme yang is too active, too busy, too logic oriented, over protective and aggressive.

    My mother was more lucid, she said that she knew something was happening. After a while, we all sat at the table, just father trying to eat, and we heard a very large noise of a helicopter right next to our building, right next to our floor. So I went under the table, told mom to do so also, and father remained still so that they cannot see us.
    It was so reeeal, you can't imagine, every sensation was very very very clear and real as they somehow stopped the helicopter in front of our window and looked in the house, I was with my eyes closed, trying to say a prayer, and I had some energy fluxes that won't let me stay still and I was under the impression that they are doing something, like hypnose , or attracting me to them, like they were looking for ME.
    This returns to the earlier theme of something powerful and fearful intimidating you. It is linked to loss of privacy and autonomy.

    At this moment, don't know how, I pushed myself and woke up with the same sensations in my body as if I never left under that table and they were still there. Even now, minutes after I woke up and writing this, I can feel my heart hammering at this remember.
    Such dreams are very powerful. The general belief is that the brain does not differentiate between one “reality” and another and so the body reacts with the same adrenaline rush as if you were in physical danger.

    What could it mean? Is this a message?
    Has this got anything to do with what is coming? (Considering all my dreams are in the same area)?
    May you help me?
    It is very likely a very good symbolic indicator of things taking form in your present life. There is only so much an outsider can do to help you with understanding a dream. If you really want to understand its message and follow its advice, work with this and develop your understanding. Keep a record of any dreams that repeat the themes and see if you can extract further information. Then, take appropriate action in your life. I hope this offers at least a modicum of insight.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  6. #6

    Re: Very REAL dream

    It is indeed a real comfort. I had other nightmares before,but the intensity of this one unbalanced me and didn't knew what the make of it.
    You are so very right about many things you said about happening right now in my life that are related to the dream. I can start on interpreting this and other dreams connected to this in another way now,thanks to you.
    I appreciate very much your time and patience with me.
    Thank you, it really helped.


  7. #7
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    Re: Very REAL dream

    Hello, Diana.

    I like BeeK's interpretation a lot, it is very good.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arya
    so I couldn't speak but tried to say to look at the dogs, cats, and rabbits (!)out the street,look at them how they are all acting
    Animals can sense things people can't sometimes - like earthquakes. Also many animals fled before the great tsunami struck years ago. In general, as BeeK said, this could be a sign of your "animal self" reacting. You have reflexes and instincts. Now the question is - is this an appropriate reaction or is this just a reaction. It might not necessarily a situation to be afraid of, but part of you most definitely is.

    This is a question of how we react when we encounter the unknown. An unknown can seem terrifying simply because it is an unknown. It need not be harmful, but our gut reaction (= animal self) might be one of fear.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arya
    It was so reeeal, you can't imagine, every sensation was very very very clear and real as they somehow stopped the helicopter in front of our window and looked in the house, I was with my eyes closed, trying to say a prayer,and I had some energy fluxes that won't let me stay still and I was under the impression that they are doing something,like hypnose , or attracting me to them, like they were looking for ME. At this moment, don't know how, I pushed myself and woke up with the same sensations in my body as if I never left under that table and they were still there. Even now,minutes after I woke up and writing this, I can feel my heart hammering at this remember.
    A helicopter hovering in from above - this might or might not be a contact with a higher level. Contacting higher levels might be alien, and therefore intimidating. The "first encounter" you are having here might tell more about your reaction than about anything else.

    All the things you observe come from above and from the sky. For a short while even you fly before you crash. So maybe this is in a way about what you encounter there, but also about how you react to it.

    I have had the experience of feeling energy flows in dreams. This might denote a real experience in your body, and maybe it was the cause of everything feeling so real. Maybe these new energies were grounding themselves through your body, their intensity presented in the dream as not being able to "stay still."

    The heart hammering might also be an indication of an energy center at work. This is also described in the FAQ on this site if you want to look it up.

    There is also the knowing that "they" were looking at you. This is like a psychic sense telling you that someone or something is aware of you, that this is about you, maybe this was a first contact in a sense. Of course the intimidating circumstances did not help, but this not need stay this way. You might represent to yourself that "something bigger than you" is trying to get in touch with you, but the unfamiliar sensations and experiences might trigger fear reflexes at first. The animals could further represent such fear reflexes.

    Hope this helps. Maybe some of it feels right to you.


  8. #8
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    Re: Very REAL dream

    ps. I forgot to mention Oliver's really good at dream interpretation also. My bad.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #9

    Re: Very REAL dream


    It really does make sense.
    I understand more now.
    Thank you very ,very much!


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