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Thread: How much choice is involved in the process of reincarnation?

  1. #21
    Ouroboros Guest

    Re: How much choice is involved in the process of reincarnation?

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    Quote Originally Posted by dallen9998
    what's stopping me from doing a "do-over" ... like ... Ya know, that last life stunk, let's try it again and make it better.
    Who knows, it could be happening right now.
    I've always wondered if that's where deja vous originated.

  2. #22
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    Re: How much choice is involved in the process of reincarnation?

    Me too. Or that feeling that 'something's changed about how things work and I can't put my finger on it.'
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #23
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    Re: How much choice is involved in the process of reincarnation?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wallbridge
    "I" is the human me, the one who resides within this body and is experiencing this world through it.
    Well, that's not really who you are. Look behind that, look beyond it. Seriously, if you can get out of the material "I" (the one with all the ideas about how things are supposed to be and who you are and what you're supposed to do, etc.) and start to observe from that perspective rather than the material, your concerns and fears will start to dissolve.

    That's really the only way I know of to get past this kind of thing. What you're really saying, when you get down to it is, "Oh, no, I've realised I'm going to die, and I don't want that to happen." You're not that worried about physical death, it seems, but it's still about death. Get past the fear of death and you'll find whole new vistas opening up in ways you couldn't even have imagined.
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  4. #24
    Wallbridge Guest

    Re: How much choice is involved in the process of reincarnation?

    Palehorse, you really touched on something, and OW, you are really helping me to understand it better (plus, Jo is giving me some excellent encouragement!). Again, thanks to everyone for your views.

    That Sims example really helped me to understand this situation. I'm kind of like a Sim, acting out what Mr. H has set up for me, but even if he starts a new Sim in a new life, there's still the same driving force behind everything. Even though I become a new person, it's still me under there, just in a different situation, constantly evolving. The things I worry about losing upon death, like the fundamental person I am and the lessons I have learned, carry over.

    Also, OW's point has got me thinking that it's not death that I fear, but being trapped in a situation that doesn't match the kind of person I am (the aforementioned murderer, drug addict or office worker example). But taking into account that the me who wants to continue on DOES continue on, and that I simply dump all the things that don't matter to me (skin color, nationality, gender, etc...) is cause for hope. My desire to act with honor, travel and meet people stems from an underlying desire for pure love, duty and freedom, and as long as I am nurturing that aspect of me, I think I will be ok. Even if I come back as a drug addict, Fundamental Me will be crying out for me to rise above addiction (or shame, or guilt, or whatever other bad emotions I cultivate in my less than ideal life) the whole way. Who knows, I may even learn something from it in the process. It's not like I found my true calling in this life right off the bat; it took eight years of depression and four years of anger for me to confront my personal issues, find peace and see the world with fresh eyes.

    On that note, I tried to connect to Mr. H last night with simple questions and greetings, and though I didn't receive a response of words or pictures, I did have a more lucid dream than normal last night. I will be happily keeping this up until I finally strike up a meeting and get some questions answered, for sure. It also helps to have you fine people bouncing your views off of mine and encouraging me along the way.

  5. #25
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    Re: How much choice is involved in the process of reincarnation?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wallbridge
    I fear [...] being trapped in a situation that doesn't match the kind of person I am
    Except you're only "that kind of person" because of the beliefs, memories, ideas, thoughts, and other material concepts you've gathered around you in this lifetime and decided to adopt as who you are. You aren't those things. Or, to put it another way, it's not who you are, it's just what you do.

    I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the values you've adopted, of course, but they're only beliefs, and beliefs are only thoughts you think over and over until it becomes a habit. This is the soap opera character you're playing in this lifetime. It's not the fundamental Self, only a mask and a limited perspective that the Self is adopting in order to experience Creation in a unique way.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wallbridge
    (the aforementioned murderer, drug addict or office worker example)
    The thing is, if you were born into a life where you became a drug addict, that's what the Self would be then. The "you" that you are now wouldn't be "trapped" anywhere because the you that you are now is the you that you are now, and the you who (could be) a drug addict or a prostitute or a burger flipper or whatever is not the same you. Each perspective is unique, and as time is not linear, they all exist at once.

    Not sure if that makes any sense. It's the whole wibbly wobbly timey wimey thing again. Hard to explain.

    Anyway, here's something to ponder. How do you think other incarnations of "you" like being the "you" that "you" are now? Do you suppose they're sitting around inside your head somewhere going, "Man, I hate being this guy!" or "Wow, I love being this guy, it's way better than who I was!" or something like that? Trapped in your life, with your values (which they may or may not even like or appreciate, who knows?), in your gender, with your skin colour and your parents and your job... What if you were Genghis Khan in a past life, how do you suppose old Genghis would feel about having to be you?

    Does that all sound kind of silly? If so, that's good, because it's meant to be, but there is a point to it. Who you become is who you will be when you become it. The "you" that is you right now isn't even the "you" who will exist in a week or a year or ten years. The "you" who will exist in some other lifetime, past or present or simultaneously (wibbly wobbly timey wimey again ) is who they/you are. The you who is you is only going to be the you who is you. Not the you who is not you. Or something. Hmm.
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  6. #26
    Wallbridge Guest

    Re: How much choice is involved in the process of reincarnation?

    That makes me very hopeful, and my ideas on reincarnation are molding ever so slightly to something much more calming. If I were Genghis Khan in a past life, I think there would be no Genghis Khan yelling for me to slaughter others from the beyond, because he has evolved into the completely different someone that I am now. In essence, I feel there are two mes: the one typing now, and Mr. H. When I die and return, there will still be two mes, but the next Ego me will simply have a different name, look and memories. Hopefully, I'll find what I'm looking for, now, at that time.

    And yes, I could very well abandon the things I want to do this life for something new before I even finish this life. Who knows, right?

    About the loopy time thing, you can try and explain it to me, if you wish. I would like to know what you know! I have some familiarity with the very basics of quantum physics, astronomy and the like, so if you mention things like time loops, parallel universes, membranes and causality, I should know what you mean.

    I tried to contact Mr. H the past few nights, but I've been so wiped from work that I've had nothing more than dark and blank dreams that I can scarcely remember. I'll keep trying.

  7. #27
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    Re: How much choice is involved in the process of reincarnation?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wallbridge
    About the loopy time thing, you can try and explain it to me, if you wish. I would like to know what you know!
    Well, it's not what I know, just what I've experienced. Different thing, that.

    Basically, time is not linear. We experience time sort of like a filmstrip. This happens, then that happens, then something else happens, and with everything that happens, things change. But time is only linear from our limited human perspective. It's actually all happening at once. Everything. There is no "before" or "after", there is no "past" or "future". It's just a matter of everything at the same time. The "me" I was when I was seventeen (and a real piece of work she was, let me tell you) still exists at that particular point in the space-time continuum. So does Genghis Khan. So does everything and every one.

    I also very strongly suspect, from things I've seen, that reality is actually unlimited. Every decision you make, every step you take, every move you make (every vow you break... sorry, had a Sting moment), it can all be different, and all of those possibilities exist, at some point in the multiverse. It's four dimensional as far as I can tell.

    However, these are just words, and they're not really adequate to explain it. Wibbly wobbly timey wimey... I love Dr Who...
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  8. #28
    Palehorse Redivivus Guest

    Re: How much choice is involved in the process of reincarnation?

    I'm pretty much with what she said above. ^ Although one thing I'd add, is that I strongly suspect that the "past" continues to evolve along with the present and future, all communicating, exchanging energy and information, and influencing each other. So to refer back to our old buddy Genghis -- if he has an incarnation in 2009, then the Genghis from centuries ago who is connected to him-now is not necessarily "locked" into the same self-expression as the guy we read about.

    Then again, our beliefs that history is fixed and unchanging (and that we actually have an accurate view of it) may impose an artificial lock on it in practice, since that would be influencing it too... not sure on that. Maybe that's the basis for the whole "doomed to repeat it" thing; we've got all these selves imposing such a rigid and fixed view on each other. Hm.

  9. #29
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    Re: How much choice is involved in the process of reincarnation?

    Quote Originally Posted by Palehorse Redivivus
    Then again, our beliefs that history is fixed and unchanging (and that we actually have an accurate view of it)
    I don't believe that, but I've studied quite a lot of history, so I'm entirely familiar with how theoretical it all is. There's a reason why history is an art and not a science.

    Quote Originally Posted by Palehorse Redivivus
    Maybe that's the basis for the whole "doomed to repeat it" thing; we've got all these selves imposing such a rigid and fixed view on each other. Hm.
    Interesting thought.
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  10. #30
    Wallbridge Guest

    Re: How much choice is involved in the process of reincarnation?

    I had an interesting experience last night. I read up on all the ways people try to contact the Higher Self and put them into practice to see what would happen.

    I imagined the most comfortable place I have ever experienced, a youth hostel where I stayed a few years ago, and decided that that was the place where I would meet Mr. H. I also imagined him looking like I did when I was at my happiest. To get to this comfortable place, I imagined walking in the back door of the hostel and riding the elevator up to the eleventh floor where my room was, remembering the feel of the elevator buttons, the sounds of my echoing footsteps, and so on. Then, I walked past the reception area where the hostel owner and a very good friend of mine were, said hello to the both of them, then went to the living area where I had once slept.

    When I got there, Mr. H was there, looking just as I was at that time in my life, and was radiating light with a welcoming smile. We sat down together on the bed, and after we said hello, we began to talk.

    I asked if my next life would let me continue the goals I wanted in this life, and he said, "Of course!" I then asked if time was all here at every time, and whether everything I would do had already been planned out and was unchangeable. He said that it didn't really matter, because no matter the nature of time or my lives, I would continue on with the values and lessons I had learned in this life, exactly what I was hoping for.

    Then I asked why I couldn't be these things in this life, and what he said next really struck me.

    He said that, first of all, I asked for this life. And it's true, I distinctly remember the moment when I told myself, "I'm ready. I'm ready to meet the love of my life and settle down. This is the greatest gift I could ask for, and I'm ready."

    A little background: when I was younger, I always wanted to have a girlfriend and get married and have kids, and I spent years trying to attain this goal of mine, to express love and be loved back. But when I finally got married and had a son, I found life to be much more mundane, boring and repetitive than I had originally planned. It was certainly no match to the life I used to lead, living alone, touring about the city, meeting hundreds of people, volunteering my time and money to charity, and so on.

    Continuing on, Mr. H said that if I had continued on in this blissful life with this amazing freedom (a goal I only realized when I was free of my depression and anger), and not gotten married, I would have always wondered, "What if?"

    What if I had gotten married instead of drifting about with pure freedom? Would that life be better than this one? These thoughts would have poisoned the happiness of freedom that I had finally attained, and I would never have been as happy with my free life if I had never put my first (and less interesting, as I found out) goal to the test. Now that I've had the chance to live and feel a married life as good, but very boring, my next life would not be filled with the same questions of "What if?" and "Did I make the right choice?"

    He then brought some examples to the table. He showed me images of how I always lived my life, and showed me that it was always like this. He showed me the video games I play, where I play all the boring parts first and save the amazing stuff for last. He showed my meal habits of eating bread or drinking juice before I dived into the pizza. He showed me the times I came home from school, barreled straight into my homework to get it done, then spent the rest of the day watching TV or with friends. He basically told me that I always prepare future bliss by doing all of the work first, and leaving the great stuff for last, and that is exactly what this life was.

    Thinking more on it now, I see exactly what he was saying. My life from age 13-25 was a total garbage dump of depression and anger, but though I didn't understand it then, I was trying to cultivate, better and cure myself before I allowed myself the opportunity to live the life I always dreamed of. The brief six months of freedom I had between depression and anger (13-25), and my subsequent married life (25 1/2 to today), was a small peek into what I was storing up for myself in the next life.

    At this time, the side of my body started to hurt in my bed, so I turned over to get more comfortable. When I tried to contact Mr. H again, there was no response, so I traced my steps back up the elevator, past the reception area and my friends to my room, and there he was again. I thanked him for his help, and he continued.

    He also warned me not to think of this life as a waste, and to realize that although this life was boring to me and not what I had planned or wanted from the getgo, that I should still realize that it's a good life. My family is good, my relatively comfortable life is good, and I should view what I'm experiencing now as not only preparation of what is to come, but also a chance to receive love, as well as express it.

    After I got all this information, I thanked him, disconnected and came back to awareness of my body, then went to sleep.

    I'm not sure if this whole thing was just my own mind trying to console me or a true meeting between the two of us, but it did make me realize a lot of things. It was a great experience, and I will try and repeat it over and over until I get a true astral projection/lucid dream experience to the same place.

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