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Thread: Things in the sky

  1. #1

    Things in the sky

    today, a cloudless day, i saw a shiny metallic object high up in the sky. round, it seemed to be moving straight up.
    it could've been a balloon.
    i was on my bike at a crossing of the roads. the sun was shining right in my eyes, so it was difficult to see well.
    i pulled over to get my camera out of my bag, to try and zoom in on it.
    i looked up again and it was gone.

    last week, cycling home after work, about 4.30am, i saw a large bright light in the sky.
    not a star, and not a plane. no flashing lights, and it wasn't moving.
    then a familiar feeling came over me. maybe just my imagination.
    the feeling i get whenever my guide comes into my dreams. it's always the same, like his energy signature or something.
    i watched it sitting there for about 5 mins, just hanging in the sky.
    a few clouds rolled across and obstructed my view, and when they passed, it was gone!
    "We are spirits in the material world" Sting. The Police.

  2. #2

    Re: Things in the sky


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