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Thread: Orange Orbs

  1. #1
    dslandolfe Guest

    Orange Orbs


  2. #2
    al.luciddreamer Guest
    Some questions: (1) How is your friend doing? Did he get better? (2) Is it possible the orange orb was a sign, helping him get out of his depression? (if that's what happened). (3) Do you think the orange orb was a affirmation for you, telling you that you had done the right thing by trying to help him?

  3. #3
    dslandolfe Guest

  4. #4
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    It's possible that the intensity of emotion acted as a beacon to attract whatever the orb was. So it's possible that your friend's subsequent reaction was unrelated to the event, but that your dream/visitation was how your subconscious 'understood' the event.
    I share with you the idea that we don't really know what that's about, and try to explain these things in terms that make sense to us, and don't really have the perspective to understand it.
    Of course, I don't have advice or either insight on your experience. I hope your friend recovers enough to treat you with the appreciation you deserve, even if he can't now.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5
    dslandolfe Guest

  6. #6
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    Definitely sounds like your friend has lot of problems- and for what it's worth, I can sort of sympathize. Even though it's not 'my worst fears', the stuff I had happen kind of put a perspective on reality that I didn't have before. Now if I can apply that to waking life I'd be fearless.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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