I had a this odd dream a while back in June and posted my experience on another forum and didn't get an answer. The other day I thought of it again and thought that'd I would dig up the post and post it here.
I don't have the greatest memory, so my interpetation of this is kind of hazy. Here we go.
I don't remember where I was at to start, but I believe I was either on some cruise ship or some sort of big festival with a lot of people. Either way, I ended up walking into some room which looked pretty normal and had some middle-older aged women with white hair and a paitent of hers.
After her paitent leaves, I say somthing to her along the lines of "So, what do you do here?" She stares at me and says somthing along the lines of "Here's my chance to change this world" or "Here's my chance to help someone out". One of the two.
So I sit down in a chair and she tells me to relax. She then puts a plastic bag over my head and says some encantation. All of a sudden im out of the room and in my own room where I'm actually sleeping
This is where things get weird. I'm laying on my stomach and trying to get up but theres some force against my back. I then peer over my shoulder a few times and see somthing on my back I can't describe. At one point I saw somthing in black robes, but mostly everything is blurry. Like my eyesight had gone wack.
Now as all this is going on I here strange noises in my room. Noises I don't exactly remember now, but could somewhat decipher what they where at the time. Either way they it was weird
So after I take a look back over my shoulder, I put my head in to my pillow. As I do this, whatever is on my back is trying harder to get "in" or is putting more pressure on me. But everytime I look around all I see is blurriness. It was like I had gotten a concussion.
This all last for 5-10 minutes or so until I finally decide to break free. To myself I belive I said "You can't controll me" and I rolled out of whatever was on me and no more pressure was being applied.
Now when I turn around, I don't see anything there directly behind me. But after a few seconds I see somthing to the midright of me. I don't exactly remember what it was, but I do remember that it looked like a reflection of my TV and looked like there was an 8x8 set of static. There was also a few more characteristics I don't remember.
But I get curious and lean over towards the thing. It then starts speaking to me in a harsh raspy voice. I couldn't really make out anything except for the phrase "Go behind the Gamecube". After it said that it said one more thing and then that dream was over.
Also, I had another small dream either in succesion to the previous one or it was directly before. I don't think its that significant, but it involved a girl I havent seen for a while and I was spending time with her. That's it. Just thought it was weird I'd have this dream and the other.
But yeah, this dream was definitly weird and totally felt real. During the dream I actually thought everything was real. When I woke up, I wasn't sure if I was actually dreaming or not cause I returned to my room which was in my dream. Weird.
Anyone have any thoughts on this weird dream? Which I could supply more info but again my memory isn't the greatest.
That was my post from June. Presently, I haven't been recalled of being "attacked" again but I have been to the same place as I was before. I found it wasn't on a cruise ship, but it is in a big mansion on top of a hill. There's basically a new age type shop on one side of the mansion and I've been there on a few different occasions. Usually about once a month since the intial dream. I haven't met the lady again that initally put some encantation on me that sent me back to my bedroom. Ah, wish I could remember more.
Anyways, just thought I'd post one of my experiences.(Hopefully I can go lucid eventually)