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Thread: A gate

  1. #1
    Raven Guest

    A gate

    I dreamt I was in a car with a friend and he was by the wheel. It was night and the road barely visible. And there was a little closed gate ahead of us. And I asked "Shall I get out and open the gate?" as it seemed natural because I wasn't disturbed by driving.
    He said "No, I will open it" . So he did and we drove through it...
    Well I felt a bit confused because I could have done it as well as he did.

    p.s. Why is this dream important to me?
    Well, the friend I'm talking about has proved actually to be (in reality) a false-friend. The last year I happened to work with him when I was abroad. I liked him and trusted, but in the end he betrayed me for reasons I've never understood...

    Understandable is the dream tells about carring the risk: Is night, he drives, no one knows what is behind the gate... So I have no control over things.
    Well what I can't understand is why he rejected my proposal of opening the gate? I'm 10 years older than him but I don't think it would have been a kind of respect on his side...

    Maybe someone knows the hidden meaning?

  2. #2
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    Raven wrote:
    Is night, he drives, no one knows what is behind the gate... So I have no control over things.
    Well what I can't understand is why he rejected my proposal of opening the gate? I'm 10 years older than him but I don't think it would have been a kind of respect on his side...
    Opening the gate would have revealed something (possibly reasons behind his duplicity) but he didn't want you to know, he wanted to have the control, to keep you guessing.
    My interpretation of this is that by naming him your betrayer you have given away your power, and by letting him open the gate you have let him dictate the terms for the resolution of the problem. In other words, you see him not just a perpetrator, but the author of the terms of the relationship.
    Of course this is just my interpretation.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    Raven Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    Raven wrote:
    Is night, he drives, no one knows what is behind the gate... So I have no control over things.
    Well what I can't understand is why he rejected my proposal of opening the gate? I'm 10 years older than him but I don't think it would have been a kind of respect on his side...
    Opening the gate would have revealed something (possibly reasons behind his duplicity) but he didn't want you to know, he wanted to have the control, to keep you guessing.
    My interpretation of this is that by naming him your betrayer you have given away your power, and by letting him open the gate you have let him dictate the terms for the resolution of the problem. In other words, you see him not just a perpetrator, but the author of the terms of the relationship.
    Of course this is just my interpretation.
    Yes, thanks for your response.
    That duplicity fits perfectly to the situation. And the fact that I put all my trust in him (in reality), can be equal as you said, to giving away my power. In other words I consciously lost control over it and he took advantage of it. Well, sad but true.

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