Oh it was pretty crazy, but to put it very simply, I had boughten the course and book of Roberts Psychic Self Defense and I read that book and watched the course like 3 times and studied it very well. I also asked Robert questions through email the whole time through the process of purging myself, which lasted about 5 years at this point.
I was doing a lot of reversing all day everyday, also image removals and also removing thoughts, getting into deep relaxation and finding spots in my energy body that are being messed with.. it worked but it got to a point to where it became very tedious. The negs started to make me feel like not doing the self defense anymore, it was like I was at a point to where I just needed to sleep for a very long time.
but, then I was recommended black magic. I never wanted to go down that path, but the thing is, I was stopping my self because of the old mindset that I had about demons, you know, like “demons are bad” and this and that, but when I finally built up enough courage and understood that there are good demons aswell, I decided to give it a shot.. and man I wish I got into black magic a little sooner because the combination of Robert methods+ using blood is very very powerful, and now I sleep like a baby.
I started making my own methods utilizing black magic with blood and it has been working amazingly. ( I only use my blood by the way, I don’t like the idea of sacrificing animals, although it would be more powerful, I wouldn’t want to kill something against its will)
I would love to explain the techniques I use in more details, I’m sure that a lot people can benefit from this information who need more juice in there arsenal but, this should be more than enough info if someone is interested in being happy going down this path. I would rather wait untill I successfully created my passive income money stream to be self sufficient, then I can really help people by having the ultimate result, which right now to most people is money.