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Thread: Almost there, need advice

  1. #1

    Almost there, need advice

    Hello, I am hoping to hear back from someone who has gone through similar issues that I am struggling with right now. I have been using the rope climbing technique to project for the first time. I?ve been really excited to experience some of the initial feedback that is suggested in Astral Dynamics, like the fast heart rate, tingling, and feeling very light.

    But as I am experiencing these sensations and they get stronger, they will then suddenly fade in intensity, and I feel like I fall back to square one again.

    So my question is, has anyone worked through this leading up to their first OBE? Any advice on how to stay in the zone and intensify the sensations further?

    Thank you for any help you can provide!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    Re: Almost there, need advice

    There is no zone. This is why when the sensations fade you should work on your exit technique even more. Just keep pulling until you get out, or wake up in your body. If you wake up get up, don't turn around and go to sleep. I usually wait until the vibrations have stopped and then start on the rope technique, to avoid getting exhausted doing the technique.
    Give it a try.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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