Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #1501
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dream I was on a big boat like a cruiser...I saw a young girl on the floor ....drunk...I asked if she needed help...she was only smiling...then she I am good....there was a strange table where you could teleport your buyings direct home...I was very fasinated over this table...??
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  2. #1502
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dream I cuddled with a was so lovely...after awhile I pulled me backwards...the cat took with it´s teaths on my blause and pulled me near itself to cuddle lovely ...
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  3. #1503
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    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dream I told my grandfather from mothers is the first time he have come into my dreams...he did never show emotions when he lived...he died 1973...I tried on time to hug him and he was so stiff and liened backwards to really show how he did not like nearness....but in the dream he took my hand and wanted to connect with me...I was so upset and told him that you do not even look into my eyes...and you awoid he did look into my eyes and it was here he took my show he has was very surprising dream to say the least...
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  4. #1504
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    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night dream was totally sick in my oppinion....Background: When I was 15 yrs old I met my first boyfriend he was 18 yrs mother did not like me..she said I was too
    young and she did separete us by them moving back to Finland...and my bf had to do his millitary in Finland and he never come back to the dream was like this..
    I was back to my bf and his mother did abuse me by kissing me and touching my breasts and privat parts...I was in totall chock and just froze...and I wake up in panic??
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  5. #1505
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    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night dream I found a vallet on the street...I openend it but no driving licens but one card to a feet care taker so I phonet her...I knew he driva a beige volvo combi...she at once knew who he is...she told me that he is very ill....I phoned him and he gave me his adress he was very irritated...I arrived to his adress and I had found in the vallet a name...Kaino Vaino....he opened the door and he was irritated...he had his grand daughter with him....she was drawing...I joked and looked at her...oh the boss is grumpy...she laughed and I looked at the man and he turned his face away but I could see he smiled....when I left them I did not find my way back...I talked to a tourist from Germany a women somehow she knew to help me and here I woke up....
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  6. #1506
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    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dream I was a spectator...white fluffy cat did get some treatment ...they had some gadjet with some gas in..and they put it to the nose of the cat..
    after a short time the cat was puking out thick mucus....
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  7. #1507
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    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dream I was in my mothers appartament...I went from kitchen and looked into the livingroom and there on the couch was my sisters husbands sister who passed away some yrs ago...I was so happy to see her...we decided before her death that she will come and visit us if it is possible...and here she was sitting on the couch...I went to tell everybody but when they come she has left already...but I was happy to have seen her...thank you little R.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  8. #1508
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    I had this dream I was in an elevator and I was holding yarn and suddenly the seling of the elevator started to go upwards and the yarn had did also go upwards and I holding the yarn and going upwards as the seling did...soon it stopped and there was a crack so I could see outside ...I did see some nativ people...and it seamed that they where kanibals...I woke up in fear...

    I was on a balcony in a very high building on the top floore...I looked down and I felt dizzy and was near to faint....I see a little boy bicycling on his bicycle coming from the indoors out to the balcony...and somehow he flew over the balcony reling but did grab the reling with his hands and having his legs outside the balcony in the air...I paniked and started to shout...Irja...Irja...and grabbed the boys trousers and pulled him back in...woke up ...

    In this dream I met a women who told me that she know about how I am injured in this life...and I felt releved that someone knows about it....she said...deep injuries both physical and mental...

    In this dream I felt someone holding me..I felt someons arm and I opened my eyes in the dream....I asked who she is...she was communicating with me by sighn language,,,she sighned that I am very old...I asked my age in this she sighned ..your soul...


    In this dream everyone must wrestle...I was doing disches..and was thinking that it will be very hard for me to wrestle...when thinking this I hear someone saying...NO you can not wrestle because of my injuries....and I asked so you know about my xrays...yes the voice said..I felt reveled.....

    In this dream I was wakened up by energy hands holding my head...felt that this energy was afraid that I will ot wake up from my dream so it did wake me this the hands re-charged me??

    In this dream an orca said to me...feel my tongue how roughe it me it looked very smooth..I was hesitant to come nearer the orca...but my curiosity took over and I stroke whit my hand the the orca shifted to be a cow...I started to laugh and I put my head towards the cows face...I am very familar with I felt secure....
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  9. #1509
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dream I went inside a my surprise they had left behind a baby girl...She was lying in a cot with a moscito net over the bed....I lifted the net and picket her up...I asked if she was hungry...and she said...yes...I started to look if there was some food I could give her...did not find anything suitable so I took her with me...

    In this episode I was in a strange place...I was driving a car..I had a women with me...I told her that we must get some petrol for the car...we found a fuel tank very near a canyon so it was tricky to drive not to fall over into the canyon...I could not see what the price was only that I put full tank and it was 40 liter.....It was so strange feeling in the dream so I had to wake me up from the dream....
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  10. #1510
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Yesterday night I had this dream...I was above a sea..looking down and seeing 2 black sharks swimming in the I was in the sea and in theires inviroment...feeling huge fear...and remembering where I felt secure and I shifted back to be above the is first time I felt the shift and going back where I felt secure...instead of awakening me from the dream feels huge for me this development....
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

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