Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #1061
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    I had few dreams last night and one of them was this....I was lying on my side and feeling sick...I felt a hand on my forehead...I tried to turn my head to see who it was my mother...she not breath at me your breath is bad....and she is mine....she you have no fever it is only 37...

    In this dream my brother K had passed a test and will be on TV for the program where he can win a lot of money...he was so proud and when he went out he slammed the door wide open and was feeling great....I was seeing this with a women (I do not know who she is) and I started to talk about my brothers...I said he was in military and she said you could tell about his appearences about that....I told that my little brother is very entertaining he is so funny....but we all have ADHD so we are very intence.

    I felt very strong energy in the atmosphere...I felt like a peck on my arm...and soon a man appeared and I tried to ask what he was doing at my place...he said...he feel such a fear when I read about spiritual things....I tried to ask him more specifics but he just blowed a thick smoke out of his mouth...and was gone??
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  2. #1062
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    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night Dream I met a very very old lady....I have never seen so old person before...We did not spoke...she just gave me nearness...I was a bit concerned because I am not so used to be hold so near so long time….she did really give me a feeling she cared about nice and wonderful...Thank you who every you are.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  3. #1063
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    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night Dream I was asked to breast feed other womens Child??
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  4. #1064
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    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night in my Dream I Went back in time to meet my mother when she was pregnant with me....I also met my grandmother….I had difficulty to come back to this time...people reacted like paralysed when they saw me??...when I intensivly thought to come back to this time I got shivers in my energy and that was enough to know that will is the key….
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  5. #1065
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    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night Dream I had a painting I have made, Lisa Vanderpump asked to see it, I noticed it was not in its Place so I started to ask who have my painting or if someone knows where it is...when I serched for the painting I found a painting I won in a competition…..I never found my painting?
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  6. #1066
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    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night Dream I was with my female friend and was leaving a Place when one whom I know asked if he can drive with me tomorrow, yes I said but I do not have your phonenumber….so he said...54669....I did undertand that one ex boyfriend did over hear this….when I did come to one Place I noticed that this ex boyfriend was there...I told my female friend that we do not go there because of this we hide and soon he did leave the Place so we could enter it...
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  7. #1067
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night Dream I was in a big building and I Went to the elevator and pushed one level, and Before the door closed 2 men entered one of the men had a German Shepeard dog...I am afraid of dogs….they did not let me leave the elevator when my level came ...I started to feel fear...when we did come out of the elevator we where out in the nature...the man with the dog made the dog to stand on me...I did see that the dog did what it was told, I did not feel any anger from the dog and that helped me to be calmer….the dog did its work and felt relieved when the man said to go away….the other man was some kind of helper and handyman to this man with the dog...I looked at his face and he was dark haired with hair on his face...more then beard...he was very flexible ...when he sat down he put his legs both side of him straight out…He had some kind of chart in front of him, and he did want me to see it too, It had strange figures or symbols on it...maybe he wanted me to know what it was??....I was trying to find out why he did held me like a prisoner...but I never figured out what it was about so I awakened myself from the Dream....
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  8. #1068
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    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dream I was lying outside on a bed...people was surprised to see me in bad shape...I was so in bad shape that I could not even sit up on the bed, and I said...I am fainting...and boom I fell back in bed and realising I can´t even move...but no-one helped me...they just was curious and looking and bean baffled of my bad condition??
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  9. #1069
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night Dream I broke my glasses, I was picking them up when a man with a dog entered me, the dog was very cuorious about me, the man did appologize and I said no worries...the dog had something hanging from his back Paw...I asked about it and the man is only egg White?

    In this episode I was asked to participate in a quiz...I had only one flyer and entered that Place...I showed my flyer and asked where do I find the other ones...he said...oh no I have lost my secondary diary...I was listening to the Place what was next to this one...and the question was...where did Dumeldore hide the stone….she answered under the table...and the man did show her that under the table was only a smaller glas table....
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  10. #1070
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night Dream I was looking when a Young girl did drive a moped, it was Winter with much snow, and she wanted to turn around and she shouted, I can not turn…..

    In this episode I did say hallo to 2 women whom I know, but they just ignored me, I it that difficult to say response.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

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