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Thread: Susan's personalised Sat Nav.

  1. #1

    Susan's personalised Sat Nav.

    This runs along side Nursing Babies Journal.
    I feel its time to put together in one section all the guidance I've been given that is helping me so I dont loose it amongst the pages.
    I've chosen to do it electronically as its all taken from Nursing Babies.
    I,ll add to it as I sift through the pages over time.

    Its my comfort blanket. My own Inner Guidance Journal, My own Personalised Satalite Navigational System.

    I encourage everyone to connect with your own guidance , but if thats not possible just now I hope you can take something from this.

    I do'nt always know the origin but I know for sure whether,

    * a soft loving whisper heard in the ear,

    * a formal sounding voice making an announcement

    * a thought or voice so quick that it interrupts my chain of thought,

    * a quick flash of clairvoyance,

    * a riddle heard just in that liminal stage that needs to be worked out,

    * an OBE excursion taken somewhere whilst I'm still conscious and taken to view something that needs
    to be worked out,

    * a dream in symbolic form which later translates as an event that eventually happened in physical,

    * a vision clairvoyantly of symbols with universal meaning

    ...this inner guidance is never judgemental. I have free will but know for sure that if I keep this channel open it is guiding me gently and slowly at the times I need it ( not when I want it) to try to bring out the best in me.

    ( in no particular order)

    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  2. #2

    Re: Susan's personalised Sat Nav.

    PAGE 1

    1). The Act Of Helping Someone Or Even Wanting To Help Brings Rewards

    ( page 43, 30/05/15)
    This was the OBE floating in pure white surrounded in white trees covered in pink blossom when I had been wondering if I could develop my clairaudience to help my older people.
    This was beautiful.


    2) Attempt To Stay With Positive Thoughts And Try To Find The Good In Something That Would Normaly Generate Thoughts That Leave You Feeling Low And Miserable.

    (Page 60, 13/02 17)
    This was when I was just thinking about the weather to myself and my thoughts were taken over and instead of cold damp and miserable the words ``````fresh Crisp Cool and Breezy came out .


    3). Find Your Inner Child. Have fun, laugh, let inhibitions run free.

    (Page 46, 03/10/15)
    Clairaudience. Picked up 'Find Your Inner Child'.
    Had been on holiday and had been wanting to have the guts to take part in a pool game that looked fun but was too shy and felt it was for the young ones.


    4). Demonstrating Acts Of Kindness, Patience, Understanding Is What Matters To The Spirit World Not How Clever We Are At Hearing Clairaudiently Or Getting Visions Or Demonstrating our Power.

    ( page 51, 06/04/16 )
    This was the one that fooled me.
    Clairaudiently heard " TODAY IS GOING TO BE A VERY SPECIAL DAY". The dream was recalled which later made absolute sense when working in a care home that day I thought SPECIAL meant I would have some kind of vision or hear something and instead it turned out to be a day from Hell. BUT!!!! On recalling everything I was tested in all of the above... tolerance, patience etc.


    5). The deeper we delve into the spirit world and eventually follow guidance can be challenging that may leave you feeling separated and lonely at times even when surrounded by loved ones.

    ( Page. 53. 22/05/15)
    Clairaudience. As I was reminded in a humorous way. 'The Road Can Be A Lonely One'. Then when I received an image I was humorously informed ,' This Was Meant As A Parable.'

    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  3. #3

    Re: Susan's personalised Sat Nav.

    PAGE. 2)

    6). ACCEPTANCE. Be Grateful For Everything I Already Have. Stop Wanting What I Do'nt Need.Try To Be Content. There Are May People In The World Who Have Very Little And Have Learnt To Accept This.

    (Page 34. 15/10/14.)
    This was the OBE that had me coming down to land in an area reminding me of India where I saw such poverty but a peaceful acceptance was felt. I felt so humble to have witnessed this and the strong message ACCEPTANCE came across.


    7) I Don't Need To Buy The Most Expensive When Choosing. The Cheaper Items Can Give Me Just As Much Pleasure As The More Expensive.

    (Page 26. 5/06/14.)
    Clairvoyantly viewed a small white purse and heard the words ."Treasures Are Found In Here."
    Had been buying something that was a bit too expensive.


    8 Don't t Judge People By Their Religion. Learning To see A Person's Aura And Becoming Sensitive To People's Energy Is More Reliable. Aftr All We Are All Indiviuals With Our Own Personalities.

    (Page 52, 03/05/16 )
    Clairaudiently heard the instruction " DONT JUDGE PEOPLE BY THEIR RELIGION. JUDGE THEM BY THEIR AURA."
    This was a little telling off as I'd been trying to be in control of thoughts during a holiday to Dubai.


    9).Do'nt Judge People Until I've Walked In Their Shoes.

    ( Page 21. 13/01/14.)
    This was the dream where there was a face change and close up .The character grew devil's horns that was interpreted suggesting I was showing the lower side to me.I knew it was related to a conversation I had got into with someone about people coming into the country. I feel very ashamed now at my ignorance and and attitude.


    10.) What We Do Here Is So Important . Our Life Here Determines Where We Will Find Ourselves In The Spirit Dimensions.

    ( page 42 . 16/07/15.)
    This was heard clairaudiently. The words were so beautiful but could not recall the exact words as I didn't have a pen at hand but this was the best I could do.

    "The destination is not the importance, but the journey.
    What we do here on earth leads us to what I want to see, the destination."

    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  4. #4

    Re: Susan's personalised Sat Nav.

    Page 3)

    11.) Search Deeper Inside Myself.
    By Searching Inwards I Can Slowly Discover Who I Realy Am. I Truly Believe The Only Way To Find This Is To Look, Think And Act With The Heart. Find The Beauty In Everything. Keep My Thoughts Kind With No Malace And Putting Others Before Myself. But Not Just Humans. Recognising Everything That Grows As Being On An Evolutionary Path Just Like Us.

    ( page 52. 07/05/16)

    This was when I clairvoyantly viewed a human heart. Then clairaudiently heard I was to
    'SEARCH FOR THE HEART OF THE UNIVERSE'.Also saw beach huts with their windows facing inwards instead of looking out at sea, and a dream character pointed out the fact that the windows were facing inwards.

    Easy to write about but so much harder to do.)

    (12.) It Isn't Good Enough Just To Appear To Say The Right Thing. Any Bitterness Still Deep Within Must Be Worked Out And Eliminated.

    (page 42. 12/05/15)
    ( " " 25/01/15)

    Clairaudiently heard " Search deep down to eliminate the bitter" ( I then saw a lemon flash up)

    This was a problem in physical I was helped with in the dream state where I experienced all the thoughts of two seperate people. This was to encourage me to get inside the head of the person in physical causing me bitterness and understand from her point of view how she saw things and fears she had.
    It worked and still does and is I think the most valuable lesson I've had.


    (13). Detach Myself From The Observed. Do Not Allow Anything Or Anyone To Unsettle The Peaceful Mind Within.

    (Page 48. 31/12/15) I

    When finding myself around a situation that seems to be unavoidable and the energy around is not good try to imagine standing behind myself and just observe without attachment.
    This was when I picked up one morning " DETACH YOURSELF FROM THE OBSERVED".
    The day before I had found myself in the situation mentioned above and had gone to bed asking for some good advice.


    To be continued
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

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