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Thread: What am i doing wrong?

  1. What am i doing wrong?

    I keep reading that people get visions etc. during meditation. I do not. I have meditated for a few monts now and nothing. I can fell that i get into a meditative state and that is all. Am i the only one who does not experience anything during meditation? Am I doing something wrong???

  2. #2

    Re: What am i doing wrong?

    can you go from the meditative state into trance? , sometimes trance takes a while to master - are you over that stage or that has yet to happen?

    trance is when you can definitely tell something other than a deep meditative focus has been achieved , it's often different for different people ( for instance I don't get visions or static or buzzing but my body parts start feeling very large or small relative to each other , that's my "first marker" of trance - from there I can tell the trance is "solid" , that I can work on other things without the fear of "breaking" it)

  3. #3

    Re: What am i doing wrong?

    What's your predominant sense? Sometimes what you receive isn't always a vision, but is hearing a voice or receiving a knowing.
    angel's voices are so subtle that a single thought in will overpower your ability to hear it.

    Personally, If I meditate an hour or two every day I'm lucky to receive a vision or a message a couple times every month. I'm sure others get more, but personally I consider what I get significant. Many visions I receive are in a dream the night after setting my intentions in meditation and I've found it very handy to keep a dream journal so I can capture what was communicated when I wake and before I forget
    Earth: a remedial school for those learning Love

  4. Re: What am i doing wrong?

    No, i can not get into trance yet.

  5. #5
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    Re: What am i doing wrong?

    How long are you meditating for? It takes me around 45 minutes to start getting visuals, sounds and voices come sooner.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #6

    Re: What am i doing wrong?

    you are meditating on your heart if you are not getting anything. that is a good thing. it just takes time for that *one loving moment* to purify. worth it.

  7. #7

    Re: What am i doing wrong?

    May be that your expecting attitude, breaks or interfere with that spontaneously must be.
    Simply, avoid to be expecting, go with the flow and surrender to the experience.

    Significative changes are being done at yours (
    Happening of visions, perhaps requires a critical minimal evolution, so it's not a novice experience.
    Be patient, there are a reward for you, but this is not the moment to get it.

    Just a thought...

  8. #8

    Re: What am i doing wrong?

    Ate u meditating daily? Maybe you focus to much try once u shut down the mental chatter to let everything go and see what will come kind of waiting for a sound I would expect to occur soon

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