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Thread: meditation, OBE's and being ill

  1. #1

    meditation, OBE's and being ill

    Just wondering if anyone has successfully had an OBE while they've been sick?

    I've recently had both an injury to my calf extending down into my ankle and foot, causing an ongoing ache and if I move the wrong way a shooting pain and a severe summer cold. I've continued daily practice with my OBE exit technique and meditations but my mind is SO scattered. I find it very difficult to focus and my mind keeps snapping back to my various discomforts.
    Any suggestions? (besides lots of bed rest and chicken soup)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    Re: meditation, OBE's and being ill

    I've had spontaneous OBEs when I was sick with the flu (not a cold) and it didn't seem to make any difference to the outcome of the illness. It was almost a side-effect.
    I have OBEd also while on ibuprofen (for migraines)- it didn't seem to affect anything either, prob. because it worked and the pain was gone.
    But I never try when I'm not feeling well, because I'd rather sleep, truthfully.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: meditation, OBE's and being ill

    OK, thanks for replying. I just really don't want to interupt my efforts to have my 1st OBE.
    I'd really rather sleep as well, but this is sooo important to me.

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