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Thread: First vivid lucid dream!

  1. #1

    First vivid lucid dream!

    Like omg it was so cool! Lol seriosly though i crave more now. It happened by realizing the friend i was with was someone i havnt seen in 10 years

    i recently bought galantamind and choline from reading stuff on here. They help a lot with dream recall and vividness.

    i thought it was the galantamind that was really supposed to help because it has choline and galantamine in the same capaule. I bought the choline seperately by accident.

    anyway i did wbtb and took the choline pill thinking it was galantamind and there ot was i had one! With mKes me think its more mental and confidence them what substance you take because i feel like the choline had more of a plecee o effect of working.

  2. #2

    Re: First vivid lucid dream!

    Congrats for your first lucid dream. Well done. Keep it up.

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