Fascinating, Pauli. You seem to get into a lot of deep themes in these adventures. I'll keep the 'problem' of consciousness and Bell's Theorem in mind the next time I do a deep projection with time and opportunity.
Fascinating, Pauli. You seem to get into a lot of deep themes in these adventures. I'll keep the 'problem' of consciousness and Bell's Theorem in mind the next time I do a deep projection with time and opportunity.
"Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.
It was a puzzling experience.
I also got that Prim-Ston-Consc does not reincarnate, it always just is
in a state of presence or existence. But that also makes me wonder
what happens when the Consciousness of molten lava, leaves, and is
replaced by Prim-Ston-Consc. Does Prim-Ston-Consc "grow" in
quantity for example, as more stone is added from lava?
I hope I haven't front-loaded people with too much concepts. :)
It would be interesting with some more input from someone else, as
my regular RV attempts have been poor. And that makes me wonder
if I make the PE all up or if I really get any info from other beings.
Pauli, the deep feeling I get when reading your posts, is that when there is a reaction, or cirkumstances changes, like via fire, then all "consiusness" take´s a jump or leap and changes to other consiusness, or takes another form....
IA56, you are probably on to something. :)
Also, I found more interesting ideas on Linn's Forum, LaughingRain wrote:
"I would say it differently, to say a stone does not know it's a stone, like a human knows that it is
a human. A stone does not have "I am That, I am." it is like a cat does it's catting. a stone does it's
stoning, but this is not to say a stone can have a baby stone or make two of it's own self by splitting
into. it's essence cannot produce individuality, like animals and people can be individual in becoming
a character or personality." (end of quote)
I have come to think, that not only do I have Low-Lev-Consc as part in my physical self,
but I must also have Prim-Ston-Consc inside of me, as each time I drink water I get a
little of it into me. :)
Campbell writes something about stones, he uses the word "consciousness" a lot, and I wonder if
Campbell actually means "awareness" in some places, when he talks about rocks, but I'm uncertain:
"Don't confuse consciousness with an artifact of consciousness. A rock is an artifact of consciousness,
a perception that comes with a rule-set, but that does not make the rock conscious."
and later, Campbell continues:
"...rocks are not conscious -- they have no decision space in which to exercise free will. However,
conscious entities can attach meaning, i.e., information, to inanimate objects (sentimental or otherwise).
Then the object appears to act like an automatic URL redirector to the consciousness energy associated
with that object. The object, or rock in this discussion, itself is not actually holding or storing the
information or redirecting anything -- the rock is simply a symbol, an association (like a tab on a
folder, or perhaps a file name) contained within one or more units of individuated consciousness.
Thus if one powerful individual or many less powerful people have a strong association (great energy
or emotion or strong belief with a clear and focused intent) with a given object, that object may become
a "power object" with apparent "powers" — historically, a magical, or enchanted, or sacred object. The
Power does not really flow from the object, but from the consciousness associated with the object. Power
objects are rare — even a very large number of people with strong feelings but normally scattered
consciousnesses will not assemble enough coherency and consistency behind an intent to leave much of
a lasting residue.
Quartz crystals have the property of oscillating at a precise frequency related to their size and structure
when energized by an electric potential. That is how your digital watch works (the electric potential is
provided by the battery). Their attractive appearance, high tech electrical properties, and association
with the word frequency makes them cooler than ordinary rocks and thus the New age community has
adopted them. That they are just rare enough to support a good price but are not too hard to get doesn't
hurt either. Of course, the placebo effect is a real effect — mind follows intent. Beside the placebo effect
and a potential application of the power-object effect, crystals do not, as some claim, amplify life-force
energy." (end of this quote)
Well, after PE-Queries8, I have to view the world a little differently than before. It's interesting to read
others ideas too. Anyway, for me, Low-Lev-Consc and Prim-Ston-Consc are realities. At the same time
I can't say I'm right.
Others will have to explore in order to verify or make new findings. :)
Pauli, I did miss-understand your request, you wanted to hear about our oppinion of low lev cons...I have very very strong feeling because I can´t say memory because you can not talk about memory in low lev cons....it is a feeling of knowing of the low lev cons which is...knowing of the existence but not as a memory but a hunch...I know I have bean a flower so I also undersand that we have developet from low lev cons...and if we do not care to develop further we do degenerat back to this low lev cons and then start again when we do get back our feel for life again...this is my cent´s ...As Martinius talk´s and Alexander Markus.
I did before answere how it developes further to more consiusness...from mineral and plant´s to animals and humans.