Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #181

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Your dream from July 3 mirrors a real event that happened to me at around age 5. I have been collecting soul fragments that were stolen from me successfully for a while now, but hadn't made the conceptual leap to realize that animals could also "offend" one and thereby steal a soul fragment until I read your dream. I thanked God because it was like being given my 5 year old self back, after I forgave "Jack," my grandpa's old german shepherd, for threatening to kill me. There's a reason Paul said, "Beware of dogs." I have seen synchronicities and I believe your dream has just as much valid meaning for you somehow, and perhaps others, which displays the Creator's wonderful ability to economize/synchronize/efficientize, and make art.
    "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."

  2. #182
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Pneumismatic View Post
    Your dream from July 3 mirrors a real event that happened to me at around age 5. I have been collecting soul fragments that were stolen from me successfully for a while now, but hadn't made the conceptual leap to realize that animals could also "offend" one and thereby steal a soul fragment until I read your dream. I thanked God because it was like being given my 5 year old self back, after I forgave "Jack," my grandpa's old german shepherd, for threatening to kill me. There's a reason Paul said, "Beware of dogs." I have seen synchronicities and I believe your dream has just as much valid meaning for you somehow, and perhaps others, which displays the Creator's wonderful ability to economize/synchronize/efficientize, and make art.
    Thank you for telling...for me dog´s usually represent men...who have submisset me ....but I am rising up from it...and do not accept submission any more...period.

  3. #183

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    We should never submit to humans, male or female. You and I, woman and man, were made in the image and after the likeness of Almighty God and S/He alone deserves our submission. -"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." - Genesis 1:27 Since God created both male and female, the male essence and the female essence must by default both reside in Him/Her as One.
    "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."

  4. #184
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Thank you again...I can see this from many side´s and why my life look likes as it does in this be submissioned in this life means to me that I in past lifes has submissioned many...and killed also other´ this life I have bean destroyed in very early age so I had to rise from total destruction and to see it deeply, in this life I have hade the opportunity to understand what it is to be human and what we do to each other´s and other spisies too...animals and plant´s and I see and understand even I do not have the abbility to tell my understanding in word´s...but I am at peace with me off what I understand this understand is one thing...but to practis your knowing in real materialise it is a whole other thing...and this gap can and also is very big...I have understood in many year´s but cant live it....but I am getting closer day by day....and I am very greatful for my bf now who is in my life...he really help´s me to put thing´s in practis....which I am so happy for and he will always have my pure love and respect....
    So to be able to return HOME and to become ONE means I have to be able to be total devoted and submissioned to become the part of the I am today I still want to be self/personality/separated.
    I am apoligize for my pore English...but I am not able eighder to tell these thing´s in my native language, so...

  5. #185

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    IA, no apology is necessary, the True Light is shining through your messages just fine. Our past life activities and present life destruction at a "very early age" also mirror each other as well. God knows what He's doing. I'm infinitely grateful for and humbled by this message, and I appreciate it very much. I believe everything you've said, and there is great meaning in it for anyone who will hear, who wants to return HOME and become ONE, as I do as well. It is always a blessing to hear the Truth spoken, as 'iron sharpens iron.' Thank you, and bless you. Namaste
    "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."

  6. #186
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Thank you, and bless you too....always in all ways....

  7. #187
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I did dream that I was sitting in a emploiment interview....I did feel I got the job...but I did not have any clue what kind of job it was...first I went out of the room where the boss was sitting ....but because I did not know what kind of job it was I did knock on the door and I did open it before he said ...yes.....he was occupied on the phone he showed that wait with his I asked...what kind of firm is this...what do you do?..Now I remembered that I ought to know I did apply for a work here in this company...but I did not we where on the move and I was little bit worried if I should go with I women showed me a drawing...and I said...I do not draw...but I she gave me a manuscript...I did become more perplex than ever...
    The other seckvenses are only fragment´s so I do not write about them...

    I was most surpriced that I did have so little controll over my life...this is a very good dream to me...I have to focus more and start to get more check-up over my own want in life....this show´s me that I still go on programmed mind and not my own will...I have not yet conquered back my own self.....Now I understand more...the difference between own will and to what extent it is possible...and submissioned by my upbringing and forced to become someone I am not....I hope I can keep this hunch of knowing so I can start to develop my own genuine me.

    This is what the existence have tried to lern me...but I have not understood it so I have let the submissioning happend...the submissioning is on higher plan...not here on earth...Here we have to learn to protect our self....oh my.....

  8. #188
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    When I grew up I often said to my parent´s...I am not allowed to do that or this....My parent´s reacted very strongly and said...We are your parent´s if we say you can do it you can...but I responded ...No I am not allowed...and my parent´s went on until I did...and this did confuse me so much during my childhood, because I couldn´t explain why I was not allowed...but it was as simple as it is...doing thing´s what harmes physically or mentally....physically...smoking and drinking...mentally...not telling the truth, learn to lie and not telling as thing´s happens or are....I feel happy to make the connection now....and to re-connect to source at last feel´s great....

    CFT...Here is the answere for your question..why it is a problem for me...because of the collision/crash between my parent´s teaching´s and the existence teaching´s....It was hard to have different oppinion than my parent´s, and the brainwashing part to do against better knowing....did split me and made me loose soul fragment´s ...ALL is forgiven I know that I did confuse my parent´s and my relative´s....I feel blessed now when I see why it did make my life so complicated when being so different than my inviroment acting was...(I have asked my parent´s if they remember what they have said to me when I was I child but they get angry and claimes not ever have said anything negative or making me like drink or do against my will..I know that to forget thing´s you do is normal, I have also done this but the existence is there to remind me and give me flaschbacks of my doing´s...and I am happy for this, I am not allowed to forget anything bad or good of my doing´s so all has to be worked on and understood for future and for my development, I am not anymore allowed to fall to sleep or to amnesia, I thank ALL for this) .I know I have improved many peoples life by trying my best to be my self...but before I did dare to become more me....I started to live sober life when I was 33 yrs old...and my first drink I had to take I was 13 yrs old...I stop smoking 2003....and the last part to dare to say....I need to do energy work....and not to let go of july 2012...Now I dare to be my self....Period!!

  9. #189

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Now I dare to be my self....Period!!
    Good for you IA! I can almost feel the rush you're feeling! That encourages me.
    "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."

  10. #190
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Thank you Pneumismatic, that´s for sure...I feel euforic
    Might sound strange but to dare to say out loud how much I have tried to be accepted and doing against better knowing, is shameful for me, but I am totally honest when saying....I really wanted to listen and obey, and it did come out so sick and in my confused state of mind I was not able to filter that why I had also so to behave as the rest of the "pack" it was too dangerous to lighten up the dysfuntionalitty so that the grown-ups did even protect predators as pedofils and made me feel I was weak when I did not just suck it up and shut the ♥♥♥♥ up talking about it.....So by this writing I will leave the past to be past...I now have clear picture of it, and now I stay in the NOW and start to consentrate on the energy work...Thank you for letting me be open and letting me talk straight and forward...Now is new time here.....Healing has taken place. Humbled thank to all!!

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