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Thread: Crop Circles reveal higher mathematics & numerology

  1. #1

    Crop Circles reveal higher mathematics & numerology

    I saw this fascinating Crop Circles documentary yesterday. One should not wonder, however, about the strange science-fiction-like (and rather stupid, if you ask me) title "... Hyperspace Gateways" they added to it because that is not what it is actually about.

    I recommend watching the entire vid. The report touches upon a lot of phenomena, e.g. about the quickness of how they are created and that it cannot be manmade with such speed, the energetic environment created (felt and measured in people's bodies or by their electronical gadgets affected, etc.), some witnessed (and filmed) even the creation of them by lightballs within a few seconds. "Debunkers" claims as to computer animation are not always valid as e.g. one film is of 1996 where many technical experts say that it would have been impossible then to create this film artificially and that it must be what was genuinely seen then. Recently military helicopters were spotted (and filmed) 'chasing' these balls of light, so the governments military and secret agencies surely take this thing seriously. Of course, some circles were manmade and that has also been found out, but they are often 'bad copies' of the more 'paranormal' ones and do not reveal the same striking phenomena (energetic, etc.).

    What also strikes me a lot is the numerology or mathematics revealed in many of the (genuine) objects. It starts here (but I still recommend watching the entire movie, of course, too):

    Some mathematical facts taken out of it:
    - basic forms, the golden section and ratio PI is verified in many of the constructions
    - some are amazingly geometrically accurate (impossible to create just with people's trampling feet)
    - a so-far unknown best solution to mathematically 'squaring the circle' was revealed by some of them
    - some 'circle quintuplets' demonstrate the same principle over and over again
    - some of these symbolize Earth, Humans and Wholeness (such as in Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man sketch)
    - they also relate perfectly to the Earth-Moon size-ratio
    - Stonehenge also mirrors this Earth-Moon ratio perfectly, so it gets clear that the Ancients (once again!) knew something
    - the traditional numbers (here in miles and diameters) for the rations given are also represented in all ancient cultures, they are: 5040 and 7920, whereby they also are results of the following multiplications:
    5040 = 1x2x3x4x5x6x7 and 7920 = 8x9x10x11, which Plato described as the divine creation numbers
    - and again 504+792 = 1296 which is also the result of 6x6x6x6, 6666 itself is (unlike the other one with 3 of them = ) the symbal for the Greek 'Goddess Of All Creation'
    - some crop circles show the same 5040/7920 ratio in their amount of standing and flattened elements
    - one crop circle even shows an intricate pattern of the DNA strand, the Earth/Moon ratio and the squared circle altogether
    - some circles also show other ratios between the basic forms shown
    - some might even be messages now decoded, but this might be highly speculative

    So this is all very exciting. However...

    Of course, after weighing all these interesting facts and comparing them to critical examination of a rational mind, I came finally to the conclusion that all of these highly intricate patterns are just the creation (and the skeptics community including their main internet outlet: the Wikipedia entry convinced me now thoroughly of this !! ) of stoned animals, such as the wallabies hopping around in circles in Tasmania.

    Yes. This sounds very cogent to me. So, after all, the case is finally solved.

    Nevertheless, despite the mundane origin now revealed and those many cranks believing in UFOS or spiritual things debunked once again, I found the topic all-in-all very intriguing and entertaining, so the documentary is definitely worth watching.
    This collector of useless clutter.

  2. #2

    Re: Crop Circles reveal higher mathematics & numerology

    Quote Originally Posted by Volgerle View Post
    balls of light
    Stoned fireflies?

  3. #3

    Re: Crop Circles reveal higher mathematics & numerology

    Quote Originally Posted by Serpentarius View Post
    Stoned fireflies?
    Yeah, probably too. However, I'd still put my chips on the wallaby-kangaroo creatures to be all behind this. They might be the answer to many other paranormal things too.

    Kangaroos have pouches to hide things, not just to carry their babes. So this is the ultimate conspiracy solution. I always suspected them to be 'strange' in any case, and more than 'just animals'.

    So Wiki (and now: me!) is really on to something. I will do further research on this and report back here. Just take a look at what I found on a first round of investigations now: It seems, they are also behind this entire UFO/alien thingy (and thus crop circles, too):

    Kangaroos!!! Incredible! OMG, it dawns on me. How could we have missed that! It gets so crystal clear now!
    This collector of useless clutter.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    In a dream, somewhere finding my way home

    Re: Crop Circles reveal higher mathematics & numerology

    I wonder if my mutual love for fractals will do me any good when our alien friends start reaping the earth...

    (my humor sucks, but very cool video. Thanks for sharing)
    Know Thyself

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