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Thread: Programming Experiment 3: Retrieval Lessons

  1. #21

    Re: Programming Experiment 3: Retrieval Lessons

    Hi Volgerle,
    I only could give some rather profan ideas to your dream-symbols like cars and bikes, cause I unfortunately dont know well the translation of such symbols into higher realms or bodies, but surely you`ll get some good answers from the others here.
    From certain dream-symbol-schools and as well from my own dream-symbols related to reality I know that those vehicles can be assigned, due to their amount of wheels, to differen forms of relationships. So when you look at a 4 wheels car then one would relate it to a family or a group or friendships, and when a 2 wheels vehicle occurs it would be assigned to more personal intimate relationships, like a couple. As in your latest dreams both sorts of wheel-vehicles occur it might have to do something with both, or even a conflict between friendship and "coupleship" (dont know the word), so but then this yet would be an interpretation of mine but of course its only you who can know or investigate if these vehicle-dreams have something to do with relationships in general or at all for you.
    In any case a vehicel for me is a symbol for potenital development. Though also I agree in that a message could be to make all a bit slower, at least not be rushing through or for anything. And finally I think the message could be to just get some things in order and done to be able to develop to a certain further destiny.

    greetings, Istia
    wishing joyful expansion, greetings from germany

  2. #22

    Re: Programming Experiment 3: Retrieval Lessons

    A few days ago. I don't think this was a genuine dream retrieval. If it was it dealt with an aspect of myself. Although I would not say I 'retrieved' it or someone. Rather ... let's exchange two letters of this word with an l and make it 'relieved', that would fit better.

    I am at my parent's house (my childhood house). It is full of foreign people, maybe it is a kind of celebration or gathering, don't know exactly. S.o. then tells me that upstairs there is s.o. behaving badly and violently, shouting, cursing, maybe even beating people up. I go upstairs to settle the situation, fearless. I am at the stairway (on top of the stairs) where the entrance door to the upper rooms is. Again, there is many many people watching around us. I don't know anyone of them.

    The raging man then comes up to me. I don't know him, but I also don't fear him. He rages on, shouts, stomps, sees me and comes straight up to me. Other people surrounding me seem to watch what I am doing. (I am not sure, but I even think I remember that I saw a tv camera crew there!).

    Now the surprise: The man is now before me but does not hurt me. The second surprise: I take his hands in mine (both of them) and say sth strange to calm him down: 'Hey, this is all a show. It's just a show. You're doing a show here.' The third surprise (but is it one?): It works. He immediately calms down. Somehow lulled, even a bit self-reflective, looking down (almost in shame) and pacified he retreats.

    I remember talking to the other people about other stuff, who then are not too interested in me, just chit-chat as it seems. Maybe it was just a kind of incident at a party. I then see a guy I knew from school many years ago and wonder what he's doing here. I talk shortly to two other girls that are sitting on the banister of the stairway. Then I climb over it and go downstairs again.


    Maybe it was a negative self-aspect of mine. Korpo's similar interpretation of one of his dreams reminded me now of this possibilty. I defeated it by making it aware of his 'ego show'. Maybe the 'show' was also indicated by the camera team and the other people being spectators.
    Maybe this was even what E. Tolle calls the 'pain body' because this man (who did not look like me) looked very cramped and tense, being the prisoner of his own agressive impulses that restrained him. He was not really released by my action (taking his hands, telling him about the show), rather almost a bit anaesthesised or dumbed down - as if his aggression might break out soon after again, like a volcano always eager to erupt.

    I have an issue with inner bad thoughts and aggressions which I want to learn to control more. So maybe this was a hint of my Higher Self. The house also always can be interpreted as "the self". The upstairs area might symbolise the "mind" (head) aspect. The guy from school is what I remember most as a kind of very 'disciplined' guy. So maybe this was about 'self'-discipline? Somehow this all makes sense to me.

    I probably tamed my pain body (for the time being) in this dream.
    This collector of useless clutter.

  3. #23
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    Re: Programming Experiment 3: Retrieval Lessons

    Your interpretation sounds very fitting.

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