There are many excercises practiced in the Eastern cultures, particularly in India, where people try to learn how to control parts of the physical body which normally are beyond our control.

Typical saying in the western world is:

a) either it is impossible, i.e. they simply deny it, and believe that this is a blind mechanism behind the body which controls it automatically, without our's ability to do so
b) or it is possible by use of the subcounscious mind, as this is the subconscious mind which is responsbile for all functions that regulate the body "somehow"

According to my knowledge, it is possible, i.e. we as energetic beings can control different parts of the body, which normally are beyond our control - or, it can be attempted to be controlled by another being (which is called possesion), through a strong enough alien energy field.

But if so, what/who is behind the intelligent system of so many parts of the body which we do not control (but possibly can do that)? There are trillions of cells in the body, and many organs - how and by what/whom are they controlled in the physical body of a human being? The ancient Chinese people stated that there are so-called "ghosts/spirits" (intelligent energies) in the organs which are responsible of not just controlling those, but also producing emotional energies related to them, and therefore also emotions which we feel also are controlled automatically.

What do you think?

How the energy body (which lives outside the body, but can incarnate) is related to really controlling the whole body, and how it is not? Or, asking a different question, are we really able to control your emotions - or we are not?

Here is an interesting point by wstein:


most scientists think the conscious mind IS the brain. The conscious assumes it is the person and thus asks all the wrong questions.

This is most clearly seen on the experiments to test free will. There are brain signals that appear before the conscious mind is aware of there being a choice. Thus scientists assume there is no free will (as the outcome was determined before the conscious mind acted). If they realized the subconscious is part of the mind and self, they would not reach such a faulty conclusion.