Ok so, there is another metaphysics fourm I go to and answer some questions every now and then. I stoped going for a time because of somethign really stupid then I decided to head back because there are alot of new people who ask questions and I provide them with matierals and answers that I've learned.

anyway, I went there to post some shielding methods I developed, from building on Rob's shielding work. and I came across this topic

i've seen this too many times on the various OEC communities i've watched... newbies wanting to prove their mettle and offering to heal/shield/defend people asking for help...

but, your ego won't like hearing this but you are not a trained professional... and jumping the gun to offer defence, training, shielding, that kinda thing when you haven't proven you can do it could cause more problems than solve.

it's why there's the support department here... those people are in essence "trained professionals" and they know what they're doing... you likely do not.

if this ruffles your feathers, might consider taking these words to heart... because if you're new, i know that the temptation to validate your abilities by offering help is very strong (even i fell into this myself) but if you tackle something you don't fully know how to deal with, you could make matters worse... much, much worse.
This was the person I had alot of problems with and the reason I left for a time, this kid seems like s/he LOVES to argue, name call and fight. I read this post and thought "who is this person to tell others they can't heal others because, said healers, aren't 'trained' or qualified enough?"

I feel I have the duty to tell these people that, they SHOULD heal other because they will get better at it, and that no one has the right to tell them not to or that they are wrong for wanting to.

Here's my plight, I know if I say 'anything' this person will rear up and charge me again like before, which may blow out into another pointless fight. But I feel it's my obligation to inform these people. They SHOULD heal others if they so desire, how else can they practice?

any thoughts?