Drug and substance usage is practiced by some shamanistic groups and individuals, to obtain spiritual experiences. While such practices are up to the individuals concerned, the discussion of these things is a matter of public concern. Detailed discussion of drug usage for the purposes of obtaining spiritual experience is not allowed on the Astral Dynamics forums. Our forums attract a wide age group, including children and teens. Exposing impressionable members to ideas and promises of spiritual experiences through substance use is not allowed. Such conversations should be conducted outside of the forums, and not posted in public. Conversations that discuss and/or promote drug usage are also illegal in some countries.
Please understand that this reasoning has *nothing* to do with respect issues for mature individuals or religious or shamanic type practices involving drugs and substances relating to spiritual experience, to all of which we have the utmost respect and consideration.
The 4 key points of this issue:
http://www.astraldynamics.com.au is available internationally to anyone
2: Many impressionable young people and teens frequent this forum.
3: Discussions on using drugs, illegal or legal, to achieve spiritual and OBE type experiences could legally be viewed as promoting drug use, and as promoting drug use to minors, in some countries.
4: To allow adult drug related topics and discussions in such a public and international forum, that discusses spiritual matters, would force us at the very least to seek extensive legal opinions from multiple countries, to impose and enforce age limitations and proof of age of membership, plus extensive legal disclaimers in multiple languages, international litigation insurance, lawyers, etc, etc, etc. This would be a proverbial nightmare.
This puts the discussion of drug use relating to spiritual experience in the 'too hard basket' of our forums.
Special note regarding Salvinia Divorum: This substance is illegal in Australia and several other countries. It is also illegal on some U.S. states (see:
http://www.erowid.org/plants/salvia/salvia_law3.shtml). In light of this, it is considered an illegal drug and falls under the above rules. Please do not consider Salvia to be "okay" to talk about, regardless of how you personally feel about it or whether or not it is legal where you happen to live.
This decision is final.