View Full Version : are people we meet in LD's any significant ?

24th April 2010, 06:42 PM
I had a fantastic dream last night, not storywise but lucidwise...
it all started with a completely dull event, I was dreaming that my chickens escaped in the garden of an (unknown) neighbour and they were all laying eggs there...
I went to the neighbours and was offered coffee, was introduced to the whole family (indonesians)..really nice people, except for one guy, the older brother who was blond, dead white and had blue eyes ! not very indonesian ! this guy was dead gorgeous...but I was dead scared of him, he tried to make a move at me and I hid in the stairs then thought that I had to leave this place. He didn't follow me when I left the house and I was thinking "pfff what a boring story....story ?! wait a minute ! I might be dreaming ! let's fly !"
and it worked...the target was the moon, and as I was flying I rolled downwards ie. my body was upside down ! I couldn't manage to fly to the moon , I kept shifting to the right , it was quite frustrating...I don't remember what happened exactly but I ended up in a room ressembling a lab. nobody was there , it was full of snakes etc...I was looking at them and thought "I need to learn something, I need to meet my spiritual guide and ask him to tell me something important to me, I need to ask him how to obe at will"
then, someone passed in front of the door of the room I was in, runned down a few stairs, came back up and told me "I am your spiritual guide"
he looked friendly and wierdly familiar. instead of asking him a pertinent question I asked "would you come back in each of my dreams if I were calling you each time ?"
he said no ! not each time not....
thank you soooo much for the important teaching !
is this guy my real spiritual guide, would I meet HIM if I were to obe and to meet him ? or is he "just" a dream character ?
I'm always disappointed to fly in LD's versus OBE, in obe's I get a great acceleration feeling, in LD's it's barely noticeable... am I the only one ?

24th April 2010, 11:42 PM
is this guy my real spiritual guide, would I meet HIM if I were to obe and to meet him ? or is he "just" a dream character ?

It seems to me you need to get to know him better and judge that for yourself.

26th April 2010, 07:40 AM
Hello, sleepingbeauty.

The guide you met is probably not coming into each of your dreams because dreams serve several important functions - emotional cleansing, additional info about recent events and ongoing stuff in your life, etc. So, "normal dreams" still have a purpose even when you dream lucidly as well.

Whether this is a guide or not... There is an intuition that develops over time if someone is a dream character or not. In the beginning for me there was an odd feeling, that's all. That shifted to the awareness of "This is not a dream character!" coming into my mind, mostly in hindsight. But that was rather dependable. Now it has shifted to a symbolic representation - I think now everyone in my dreams represented as a co-worker is someone that "works with me." Ever since I decoded that symbol the first time it has repeated over and over, which has happened only for helpful symbols I've decoded right so far (or got explained to me correctly by another).

So, the awareness of who is who in a dream or out-of-body-environment will grow over time. Actually Kurt Leland's description has hit the nail on the head for me how these awarenesses develop:

First chakra: sensing you're in a different body (new unfamiliar inner sense impressions). It's probable that falling asleep in your dreams is an indication of being tired of or bored with the astral body and plane

Second chakra: sensing you're on a new plane (new and unfamiliar feeling location, not seen yet, only sensed)

Third chakra: beginning to move in the new energy body on the new plane (jumping, flying, floating dreams represent this stage in the astral body; the mental body moves more quickly, using the will and more or less instant translocation)

Fourth chakra: beginning to sense the presence of other beings on the new plane and learning to identify them

Fifth chakra: beginning to communicate with other beings on the new plane

Sixth chakra: inner senses coordinate to allow for lucidity on the new plane, being able to represent it to yourself clearly, so that experiences there are vivid and all energies and communications experienced are understood

Seventh chakra: dissolving the perceptual biases that confine you to that plane and body so that you're able to begin exploring the next higher plane and level (if I'm right about your experiences, then this is the stage you are at with the astral body.(http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=17113)

I had experiences according to this template, it explained a lot for me.

In your case, as the heart chakra develops in the body you are dreaming with you will more and more be able to sense function (what somebody is or does) in such environments.

If this guy is your spirit guide or part of your personal support team you will meet him again. Looks may change, but the feeling will be quite similar. Pay attention how someone feels to you and this might help develop this sense.

Be well,

27th April 2010, 08:25 AM
thank for your answers.
I first thought it was so silly to ask such a stupid question and I now realize it might not be as stupid as it first appeared. I tried to obe last night to meet him again but failed snif....

27th April 2010, 04:24 PM
Patience. If he is who he claims to be he's not going anywhere. :D
