View Full Version : I am now logging my dreams

23rd April 2010, 12:05 PM
Now that I am logging my dreams in a journal (on my computer, I am too much of a geek to write them on paper, and my handwriting stinks), I find that I have at least 2 dreams that I remember per night. Some I understand the meaning while others are just a bunch of gobbelegey goo. My dreams are generaly very egocentric except for the strange ones which has more people in them. I am not certain what I can learn from them. Should I consult a dream dictionnary? Should I rely heavily on the feelings that are portraid in them for interpretation?

23rd April 2010, 12:22 PM
Hello, croy.

I've found dream dictionaries useful sometimes.

I then found an approach to dream interpretation that was helpful to me, and it was a mix of going with what feels right, sharing dreams with others and trying to interpret theirs, and watching out for repeating symbols. Sometimes you also have to let your mind wander a bit - it's amazing how much helpful insight might even come in moments when you are daydreaming or at least no longer focussing on the dream - space for intuitive input.

What would you consider an "egocentric" dream? Would you care to share some of your dreams or do you think they might be too personal?

Be well,

23rd April 2010, 09:31 PM
Korpo, love your avatar by the way. My dreams are always about me. I wish I could dream about other people and outside events as opposed to me being the center. Here is one of the first dreams I wrote:

I am in a small shop with alleys of shoes just like SAS shoes but it is dark and this is Sears. The boxes are not neatly ranked but still in the shelves. I am walking around these alleys but not looking for shoes, I don’t know why I am there but it’s comfortable to be there. At the end of one of the alleys is a young shoemaker with his anvil. Older women, sales associates, are there. One at the counter and some others around but unseen – I am asked for my customer feedback but the dropdown has too many names and I get confused, they make a change and now there are only a few names – I give them top marks. – The store is closing so I have to leave. I am in a big city like Montreal so I head for the metro (or to try to find it). I go by the back street, a rather large street, but get to a crossing and have to wait since there is a vehicle flop flopping in the intersection; they are filming stunts with some kind of large vehicle (this I realized only after the first stunt and seeing the director in his chair). I see about 2-3 stunt episodes. – I am across the intersection now and then it end, as if I in a video game and I am out of lives.

24th April 2010, 05:55 PM
Well, part of what the dream dictionary says about shoes:

It also represents your convictions about your beliefs. If you are changing your shoes, then it refers to your changing roles. You are taking a new approach to life.

But here you're not. You're not looking for new shoes. You don't know what you're doing there, but you feel comfortable. You don't want to be in "somebody else's shoes." You might not have your belief system neatly layed out, but some order in it. You realise you don't need any of what's in store here for you.

You meet someone who can help you change beliefs (the shoemaker who modifies shoes - an ancient image these days) and others who can give some advice about what beliefs might suit you (the sales staff). You don't recognise everyone involved (too many names), but you express your satisfaction with this experience (giving top marks in feedback).

"Sears" might be a pun on "seer." I don't know.

Just some guesses - it all depends on what shoes mean to you. The other things stay the same - the shoemaker is about change, the sales staff about getting what you want, that I could get. But it really comes down to what shoes mean to you - connecting to Earth maybe, or some part of your image or whatever.

Be well,

25th April 2010, 11:10 PM
I just baught some comfortable shoes so that could be it.