View Full Version : your thoughts on the origin of men

22nd April 2010, 06:32 PM
Good day Robert,

I'm interested if you've ever seen in the Akashic Records or channeled information on how the human race initially appeared. I'm having discussions with a friend who's got much more developed psychic abilities than me and during those I've been requesting him to ask questions to my higher self on various subjects. It seems that getting information from my HS is quite easy for him, but I once read that your subconscious may talk to you instead of HS and fool you into thinking it is your HS. So i'm not sure if my friend gets all the information directly from my HS and not from my or his subconscious mind. A few last questions I asked my HS through him were about the origin of humans. What he got was that humans originally existed on subtler plains like the etheric, and in their etherial form they looked like hairless apes but had far greater intelligence then modern humans and were beings of light. They chose to incarnate into the physical to be able to experience and learn, and incarnated as hairy apes and gradually developed into modern human beings, so according to this, Darwin's theory of evolution is partially correct. But I myself became interested in esoterics and all things spiritual after reading a book that says that humans were initially created as they are now, though back then they had very powerful psychic abilities compared to what most have today. I'd really like to think the last one is closer to the true, the thought of decending from apes, even if they were enlightened kind of apes doesn't resonate with me at all. So I wonder if you have an idea of how the men came into existence. Thank you for reading :)

Robert Bruce
26th April 2010, 02:57 PM

Keep in mind that your higher self and subconscious mind are directly connected.

The subconscious mind is a term, coined by Jung I think, to explain certain observable phenomena of mind.

From what I have seen, the human race was genetically engineered...a hybrid race.

Scientifically, the human gene pool can be traced back to about 200 'mothers'.

...much of history is of course, bunk.

food for thought.
