View Full Version : Dreaming Universe

16th April 2010, 04:04 AM
Ah, yes but you are putting conditions on the ineffable...conditions on a dream. Don't box yourself in. Let a billion dreams flow through you unhampered by clinging and fear. We are played by the dreamer of the universe like a music box.

The universe is so much greater than our rational minds can know, and our perception is so much greater. To speed our evolution our dream life is becoming more complex…as one of the few outlets for the human spirit left within the prison culture of fear. Learning to navigate the symbolic world that is so much deeper and impactful than our contracted daily experience as slave or doer…requires massive relearning and the kind of objectivity that is not the careless disregard of the hardened and narcoleptic, but a poetry and art born from a lover of the human experience itself. Within the seeds of being pulled out of ourselves by desire lies our greatest gifts, not to be laid waste through dropping the golden ball…but continued on in the thrill and exaltation of the trickery of Self discovery. The supermind is at play…we must simply learn to play with it, rather than against it in order to remain sane and to not indulge in the valleys of self implosion. Fall only to rise still further in the heart of good.