View Full Version : My daughter's dream two days ago.

16th April 2010, 03:50 AM
My post was eaten by the restore so here I am posting it again.I know there were 3 comments but unfortunately they have vanished along with my post but of course I couldn't read them because the board crashed.My daughter woke me up two days ago because she was sobbing in her sleep and then she woke up and at first she refused to tell me what she dreamed about but then she did.The upstairs neighbors were making a lot of noise so she went upstairs to tell them to be quiet but the woman's boyfried came out and pushed her down the stairs and he had this death(reeper) mask on.I came out the door and I said"What is going on? " and he killed me by stabbing me with a knife. He then set the house on fire.Her brother and the cat were not in the dream.I told her to be careful what she tells other adults because she doesn't know what their reaction would be.Please comment again even if you commented before.I didn't get to read it.Thank you. :)

16th April 2010, 04:14 AM
While it is good that you counseled her not to tell adults, especially those in the next house. She still may need some help to process the brute masculine violence and frustration that came thru in the dream. It is interesting that she merely dreamed this, while other children have to live through the experience.
Perhaps your daughter is psychically picking up on disharmony in the next house. One way for her to perhaps work through it would be if you joined together as a family to create a cake for the folks next door, and she got the special job of finishing off the decorations or something. Giving a gift of love to heal inner tensions has been with us as a species for millions of years.

China's Super Psychics - The Psychic Children - The Children
One skill the children were able to develop was 'psychic writing', a technique where they were asked to imagine some written words on a blank piece of paper ...
http://www.psychicchildren.co.uk/1-3-Ch ... chics.html (http://www.psychicchildren.co.uk/1-3-ChinasSuperPsychics.html)

22nd April 2010, 04:01 AM
Then it is time, no more restrictions :) Thank you very much for the link Jananz.

22nd April 2010, 07:31 AM
Here we go again

The upstairs neighbors were making a lot of noise so she went upstairs to tell them to be quiet

Some disturbance in her thinking perhaps? She feels intuitively that this disturbance must be in some way tempered.

but the woman's boyfried came out and pushed her down the stairs and he had this death(reeper) mask on.

He represents the shadow of repressed aggression and destructive power in your daughter.

This dream could be interpreted as representing a child's normal difficulties actualising herself as an independent being. I say this because of the death reference, which in dreams often means transition through a particular stage of life in the process individuation. This is normal stuff, if somewhat frightening for your girl.

came out the door and I said"What is going on? "

Our mother in dreams can be our higher selves or our intuition or just things our mother has socialised us to believe and value that we have internalised.

Meaning of Dreams about Mother: Dream Interpretation Dictionary - Mother

The relationship that we have with our mother is the most psychologically significant relationship of all. Rarely all good or all bad, our mothers always invoke powerful emotions. We may dream about our mothers in many different forms. She may be disguised in our dreams, and it is our job to find her in there. If you are dreaming about your mother, you may be addressing some issues or concerns in your dream, or your dream may be based on a valuable memory. The general image of "mother" in a dream may symbolize a variety of feelings and ideas: caring, nurturing, love, acceptance, hard work, sacrifice, martyrdom, etc. The mother in your dream could also represent the "collective unconscious," the source of the "water of life," and the yin. Carl Jung suggests that women in dreams represent our collective unconscious and men the collective consciousness. Thus, the woman is that force, or current, inside of you that nudges you on and inspires you. It is your intuition and the knowledge that in not necessarily attached to words. Men, on the other hand, represent the active part of us that use the information received to create the physical reality of our lives. When the two are working together well, we have balance and experience awareness leading to peace and productivity.

and he killed me by stabbing me with a knife. He then set the house on fire.

It's very graphic and violent imagery, implying that your daughter is strongly identified with you and individuating creates a lot of psychic stress for her but she has to do it, just as you did from your parents.

Setting the house on fire is an extremely destructive act but if you look at the symbolism of fire you can also see it as very purifying. Old edifices are destroyed as the new personality transforms. Think in terms of the phoenix: the new rising from the old.