View Full Version : Locked up in a house by someone!

4th April 2010, 04:54 PM
Maybe I should start to tell you what has been happening for the past 2-3 days because that might have something to do with this dream.Well,I've been sick since moving into this apartment on and off but never completely getting better and I am the only one affected.I am very angry at my landlord for lying to me and not telling me about the noisy neighbors upstairs,no heat,no hot water in the morning and at night,refusing access to the electric meter to me and the electric company and of course the electric meter I share with the illegal basement apartment and the double bill I have to pay.I'm going to go to court on Monday because I filled 3 complaints with the city and they are not doing anything.I got really angry yesterday before I left to go to the laundromat.It was this overwhelming anger and I could not get rid of it but it went away as soon as I left the apartment.Maybe I have a neg in here ?And now the dream !Me ,my daughter and my son were locked into this house by this man with chinese eyes but blond hair and his cheeks looked like they had a sunburn.Someone rang the door bell and we were by the door.This man was at the door and our captor answered the door and I started telling this man that he's been keeping us locked up and to help us.I told him to wait and see that if I try to get out he'll try to pull me in but as I got out the door with my 2 children he did nothing to stop me and I turned around,looked him in the eye and told him that I will kill him.He looked scared and he started to tremble,then we left.I really appreciate your comments on this.Thank you. :?

4th April 2010, 06:22 PM
Hello, niki123.

I think an apartment can get charged with the feelings you have about it, about your living situation or any people the apartment might be connected with - including your landlord.

Also it is not unusual for the state of consciousness to change if you leave an environment, even a room, especially if such a charge exists. Your living situation as described might already provide enough of such a charge and this might be worsening.

Good to hear you are taking measures to improve your situation IRL.

The dream itself suggests that are you in a situation where there is a bully, but when taking action you prove that the bully has no real control over you. In fact you are able to threaten the bully to further prove the point.

Your landlord situation was probably on your mind when you fell asleep.


4th April 2010, 07:34 PM
Hmm,very interesting Oliver. :)

Hello, niki123.

I think an apartment can get charged with the feelings you have about it, about your living situation or any people the apartment might be connected with - including your landlord.

Also it is not unusual for the state of consciousness to change if you leave an environment, even a room, especially if such a charge exists. Your living situation as described might already provide enough of such a charge and this might be worsening.

Good to hear you are taking measures to improve your situation IRL.

The dream itself suggests that are you in a situation where there is a bully, but when taking action you prove that the bully has no real control over you. In fact you are able to threaten the bully to further prove the point.

Your landlord situation was probably on your mind when you fell asleep.


Neil Templar
4th April 2010, 10:56 PM
yep, it's a message letting you know you're taking the right action.
like Oliver said, just like in real life, standing up for yourself is the only way to deal with bullies. as soon as you do that, they have no control over you.
tomorrow, you'll have the law on your side, and that bully will indeed be afraid.
i hope it all goes well Niki. :)

5th April 2010, 01:35 AM
I know it's the right thing to do.I just received a 3 day notice to pay an increase in rent or move out in retaliation for the letter I Fedexed to him on Thursday.Whoa !Chinese mafia or he's just being stupid?That was only a handwritten paper by him,lol!Legal aid here I come !What he's doing it's against the law,besides I already gave him the rent check but he can say that he never got it.Huh,doesn't he understand that he can get in lots of trouble only for that illegal apartment in the basement ?

yep, it's a message letting you know you're taking the right action.
like Oliver said, just like in real life, standing up for yourself is the only way to deal with bullies. as soon as you do that, they have no control over you.
tomorrow, you'll have the law on your side, and that bully will indeed be afraid.
i hope it all goes well Niki. :)