View Full Version : PLEASE help, I may have seriously damaged my energy body!

4th April 2010, 06:04 AM
Hi Robert,

I've been working with your energy and OBE techniques on and off for years, but never really properly went through my energy body and systematically cleared blockages - and trust me, I do have many blockages of considerable seriousness (if interested, here's a post I made in 2007 about finding blockages in my energy body, and the hellish pain I went through when I tried too hard and fast to clear them: http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=9923 )

Unfortunately after the experience described in that post I never properly went back to the energy work, but I have intermittently practiced OBE and trance stuff ever since. Then, several months ago, I stumbled upon an incredible new ability and was thrilled. I found that, by sheer intuition and willpower, I can connect emotionally with a deep, awe-inspiring part of myself (subconscious? higher self? not sure). I don't need to be tranced or physically relaxed at all to do this. When I do it, I get a flood of ineffable emotions (I often tear up) and a powerful pre-OBE vibrational state soon spreads through my body with all the usual symptoms (racing heart chakra, etc). This requires quite a bit of concentration and willpower to maintain, or else it quickly fades away to nothing.

So you can imagine how thrilled and surprised I was to find such a startlingly effective technique - full access to the vibrational state in seconds, with the physical body in a thoroughly UN-tranced, fairly tense state, and sometimes even with eyes open! Seems too good to be true, I thought. Well it appears I may have been right. After a few weeks of playing around with this intermittently (never penetrating far enough into the vibrations to have an actual OBE), I began to feel a little unbalanced, and had some digestive problems, so I decided to give it a rest. But the unbalanced feelings soon worsened and I became terribly physically ill. That was seven weeks ago and I've been quite sick nonstop the entire time with various digestive problems, headaches, weakness, etc. But far more prominent than those symptoms are the energy symptoms: my energy body feels like it's gone completely haywire. All kinds of very uncomfortable floaty, buzzy, tingly feelings everywhere (slightly more prominent in the area of the crown, solar plexus and navel chakras), along with very strange feelings of utterly nonsensical emotional upset ranging from sadness to near-panic (and trust me, I have NEVER suffered from emotional or mental disorders before this).

So what have I done about all this? Well of course, first I tried all the obvious things -- got looked at by a variety of medical doctors, none of whom could find anything wrong. I also completely stopped all metaphysical work for quite a while. None of this seemed to make much difference, so I cautiously tried starting with some trance/energy/OBE practice again. Things did not get any better or worse. I've tried everything ranging from immersing myself in the physical, doing lots of grounding exercises etc. on the one hand, to wholeheartedly pursuing and practicing my ultra-fast vibrational state technique on the other hand. It doesn't seem to matter. Either way, I'm in serious energetic trouble, with periods where I feel relatively normal for several days alternating with terrible bouts of all the physical, emotional and energy-body symptoms I mentioned before. I have also used NEW to check the sites of the large energy body blockages I used to have and they are most definitely as bad as ever. I feel intuitively that this is some kind of major energy body imbalance brought about by the combination of the overwhelming energetic strain of my powerful vibration state technique and my poorly prepared energy body, rather than a neg attack or some other such thing, but of course I don't really know and would love your input. As I've tried all the usual grounding type practices to get things to settle down and all have failed, what are my options? Should I just plow ahead with basic NEW blockage-clearing techniques, at a particularly careful and slow pace? I'm nearly at wit's end here, and my case is probably a potentially interesting example for you, so please share whatever advice you can.

Thanks so very much in advance!

Robert Bruce
26th April 2010, 01:43 PM

I suggest you apply the Golden Rule of energy work.

This is, to take an extended break from energy work and metaphysical work. Focus on grounding and real life. Catch up on your sleep, visit friends, and generally take some time out for yourself. Read some good books. Watch some movies.

Some light relaxation and meditation would help, but nothing more.

You might like to seek out some energy healers, as they can help.

Continue until you feel completely normal. This will take as long as it takes.
