View Full Version : Post dream sightings

3rd April 2010, 11:44 AM
Hi guys,

New to the forum. I occasionally have lucid dreams (DILD - I just learned that phrase from this forum). The dreams are interesting enough, and extremely realistic. What is more interesting is what I see when I wake up a open my eyes. It use to be scary or frustrating dreams and when I opened my eyes, I would see a dark 2 dimensional circular shape that seemed to be made of black lines - like a 2-dimensional loose ball of yarn. It appeared sometimes to be moving toward me. Eventually it would drift or zip away if I got nervous and focused anger at it. More recently, it has been after pleasant sexual dreams and the object is still black but seems to be comprised of face-like shapes and characters or symbols (think of the stargate TV show symbols). And it moves away too quickly for me to get a good look.

Just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience. It could be an artifact of REM, I suppose.


3rd April 2010, 04:03 PM
These are 'fairly' common- not sure how common, but are reported by many posters (including yours truly) that wake up from dreams but don't open their eyes right away. I call them 'vision screens' or 'mandalas' (although they do not strictly conform to the description of a mandala, it's close enough, IMO). After you see them a few times, you'll get more variety- I see a few things, like a circular rotating apparatus that looks mechanical; a field of stars, a more traditional-looking mandala, and sometimes what looks like a large stela or sometimes a thing that looks like the page of a scroll. Sometimes the images rotate, sometimes they don't.

5th April 2010, 01:07 PM
Thanks for getting back to me. That sounds very similar. Do you see these with your eyes open or closed? For me it's with my eyes open. On the lucid dreaming, I noticed sometimes when I'm too aware that I'm in a dream and initiate some action too quickly, I wake up and it's ruined. I think I saw on another thread, the suggestion that you focus on something in the background and allow yourself to drawn in. Did you ever read any Carlos Castaneda?


23rd April 2010, 12:16 PM
scottatbc, I get all kinds of astral objects imprints in the "in between" state. I suspect I kept some of the astral grid imprints 2 nights ago after I woke after a very real dream (I was probably astral projecting due to content, vividness and the type of dream). I could see fuzzy energy gridlines several minutes after waiking. For me it's quite common. Just wish I could see more details then just energy imprints.

23rd April 2010, 02:28 PM
Thanks for getting back to me. That sounds very similar. Do you see these with your eyes open or closed? For me it's with my eyes open. On the lucid dreaming, I noticed sometimes when I'm too aware that I'm in a dream and initiate some action too quickly, I wake up and it's ruined. I think I saw on another thread, the suggestion that you focus on something in the background and allow yourself to drawn in. Did you ever read any Carlos Castaneda?

Scott Closed, and some.