View Full Version : The incredible brow-center chakra

3rd April 2010, 08:08 AM
Dear Robert,

last year I decided to experiment some with the brow-center chakra after I discovered that a very renowned drug I had taken seemed to help stimulate this chakra, thereby causing various positive effects on the mind.
For a number of days I focused my meditations on the brow center and these days became some of my best.
It soon started feeling like I could magically ward of negative energy.
I started to theorize that by focusing on the third-eye chakra, one draws more energy away from the lower chakras where apparently negative energies and thoughts can persist.
This strange effect that seemed to make negativity vanish it went so far that I could shut down even my fears at will and found myself walking the forests at night alone and without discomfort.
In short, it was a superman effect that I gained by continual focus on the third-eye chakra. I started almost worshipping it, as it were :lol:. I remember that time with great pleasure.
A few weeks after I started this I stopped focusing on the third-eye chakra and the old, normal state of consciousness returned. Unfortunately i eventually misattributed the cause of this to brainwave manipulation instead of brow-center stimulation as it appears to me now, for these effects never returned to me after I had stopped focusing on the third-eye chakra.

Hence I ask you, how do you make sense of this? And do you find that the third-eye chakra is really such a powerful form of psychic protection that can potentially ward of negativity to such extend?

Thank you

kind regards,


Robert Bruce
6th April 2010, 05:55 AM

You would need to repeat this a few times, and then get others to do the same thing, and then weigh the results.

Some people can focus a lot on the brow center with no ill effects. However, most people find that focusing only on this chakra produces psychic and mental instability.

Activating the brow center can cause a shift into a higher state of mind, which offers some protection from minor influences. This is not, however, a reliable countermeasure against the negatives of life.

Again, this would need some experimentation to gauge effects on people.
