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2nd April 2010, 12:25 PM
Hi Bruce

Just out of interest. I am sure you come across these people, maybe some of them attacking you and stating from their scientific-method-perspective that AP and related topics are all religious nonsense, lies, hallucinations, delusions, the brain cheating on you, etc. ...

How do you deal with them? Any anecdotes what happened when you encountered them in discussions in the physical world (surely not "in the astral" :mrgreen: )?


Robert Bruce
3rd April 2010, 04:22 AM
By and large I ignore them.

It is impossible to communicate with a closed minded skeptic. They are worse than fanatical religious people. They are only interested in shoving their world view down your throat. They do not listen, they merely await their turn to speak. So with people like this, avoid spiritual topics entirely.

Open minded skeptics are different. I am one myself. this is healthy.

I tend to focus on more demonstratable phenomena, like prophetic dreams, remote viewing, etc.

Most people have some experience with lucid dreams, precognition, intuition, prophetic dreams, and OBE symptoms, or seeing a ghost, or some kind of phenomena. It may not be much, but it is personal experience. Use this to find some common ground.

It is pointless to try to converse with people who have no personal experience, or no framework of reference, concerning spiritual phenomena. So, unless you can find some common ground, avoid such subjects.

I have encountered this in the astral, too. Recently deceased spirits usually do not know they have died. They often argue and can be difficult to communicate with meaningfully.
