View Full Version : Would you support MMS?

1st April 2010, 07:23 PM
Dear Robert,

this is not particularly spiritually related but since this is, atleast in my opinion of pretty unprecendeted significance and since this community or group of interest is also very interested in healing, I thought I would like to have it knowing about this. This is not about a commercial product but a simple chemical - namely NaClO2 in 22% water solution - patented "Miracle Mineral Solution".

MMS is a supplement developed by an individual named Jim Humble, it is an oxidizing agent that does NOT create free-radical oxygen and safely eliminates various pathogens not limited to parasites, viruses and bacteria but also acuumulated metals without causing harm to the blood cells unlike hydrogen peroxide which acts similarly. It is so effective that it heals many types of cancer, usually within just weeks and malaria literally over night - so effective that the EU has banned it for internal use and is now only allowed to be sold here as a home purification agent for drinking water. Nowadays it is embraced by many individuals who wish to take their health into their own hands.
I've used MMS not only to detoxifie myself from years of accumulated toxicities but also removed a sore throat infection by topical application, which then went away completly within the next 48 hours. On another occasion I had used anti-biotics which even after 14 days had little success.

Today there are still many patients of cancer and other so called "incurable diseases" who in truth need not die but they do die due to the lies and unlimited selfishness of the pharma industry under the establishment medical system who pretend that there are no real cures in order for the continual stream of billions of dollars to flow.

MMS is an "underground" or grass-roots medicine and the man (Jim Humble) has gone personally to Africa and other countries, healing thousands himself and teaching others to do so.
I'm only wondering, what is more worth spreading by word than that which as literal as it gets...saves lives?

For more info:


Thank you much for your time

kind regards,


Robert Bruce
2nd April 2010, 08:53 AM

This is the first I have heard of this.

Very interesting.

I'd like to hear from some people who have used this to cure themselves.
