View Full Version : how do i remove Stubborn attached negs.

1st April 2010, 01:21 AM
Dear Bruce
I have had a serious neg problem for the last month and a half. It started out slowly and has become life threatening at this point. This is mainly because I had no idea what was affecting me at first; it took me almost three weeks to figure it out. I am a university student, but have taken three weeks off of school to get rid of these entities attached to me and dormant in my house. I have made use of the suggestion mentioned in your book “psychic protection” such as walking through running water, body-awareness points, grounded anti-static wrist band, taking sun baths, and use of salt baths, but they are only effective to a small degree. I have been able to detach these entities from me three times now, but they quickly reattach to me, especially since these pests are in my room all the time. I’m afraid of going to sleep at night because they strengthen their attachments, thus if I’m lucky, I’ll get about 2hrs of sleep each night. I have begun to have trouble breathing, focusing, digesting food, seeing etc. Like I said every time I get rid of one, another one attaches. My doctor has given me these depression pills, but they made the situation worse. As of now the entity is attached to me and i feel he has blocked my red and indigo chakra. Im afraid of getting addicted to it. will going swimming in a pool help? Should I lessen or increase my social life to remove attention from it? should I tell my parents that I’m not depressed, instead I have a negative energy attached to me and scare them (they think im going nuts because they have found sliced garlic everywhere in my room)?

How do I remove these entities from my house, and myself? :cry:

Robert Bruce
2nd April 2010, 08:40 AM

First, you absolutely 'must' restore your sleep deficit and get healthy amounts of sleep. Get a doctor to help if necessary.

Its a waste of time informing parents if they are not open to this kind of thing.

If they are religious, get a priest to bless your room or etc.

See this link for latest articles on countermeasures. See unordered articles.

Increase your use of the countermeasures that you have used that have worked for you.

Include fumigation with white sage or dragon's blood incense. Also use chili pepper, or sulfur.

If it is only your room, sleep on the couch or in the garage, anywhere.

Move to a friend's home and pitch a tent in the back yard. Use a grounding spike for your wrist strap (connect to a tent peg). Place a garden hose in coils under and around the tent.

Spring clean and redecorate your room. This will help.

There are a lot of things you can do. Do something, don't just wait for it to go away.

Affirmations are key. All the other countermeasures will help, but the below is what will actually get rid of it.

Say this verbally a hundred times or more a day.

“I am loved and I am worthy. I am safe and I am free. I am master of my body and ruler of my mind”

also, record this and play it constantly. Use headphones, play it on very low while you sleep.
