View Full Version : Attempting to induce a WILD

27th March 2010, 05:13 PM
Hey guys,
I've committed myself to inducing a WILD and I'll post my daily efforts and progress here.
That way I'll have a log of everything that's been going on and I hope it will eventually
help someone who is attempting the same thing. Feel free to post your efforts (or advice) here as well.

Another reason I'm putting this here is so you can hold me accountable and I'll end up looking
like a lazy fool if my motivation drops. :P
So far I've had 40+ lucid dreams. All of them DILDs.

My log for today:
- 5:30 am. Woke up after 5 and a half hours of sleep. Went for a drink and to the bathroom.
Then I hit the couch and tried to induce an altered state and... fell asleep. :roll:
Obviously I need to stay awake a bit longer...

- 4:15 pm. Did the deep relaxation exercises, induced an altered state and visualized my target
scenario. Went in and out of trance for about an hour while trying to hold the target scenario in
mind. Gave up at 5:40.

28th March 2010, 07:49 AM
Tried WBTB this morning again after 5.5 hrs of sleep.
Stayed up longer this time. Fell asleep after 15 minutes.
Tomorrow I'll sleep 6 hrs before waking up. :)

But alas, the day is not lost yet. I still have an afternoon nap. :twisted:

29th March 2010, 02:13 PM
Grrrr, another failed attempt this afternoon. First I fell asleep, then woke up and induced a trance
without moving a muscle, but then my mother got back home from work... And my dog goes into
a frenzy when someone comes home... :P

Anyway, a couple of days ago I almost did it. I was in a trance and imagined my target scenario,
and suddenly my vision of the scenery started getting wider. I think it was the transition phase
because I felt like I was going through some kind of curtain. But then I felt fear in my chest
and it ruined the whole thing. Consciously, I'm not afraid of LDs (I've had many) or WILDs, but
it kicked in like a reflex.

Does anyone have an idea how I can stop the fear from busting in? (aside from affirmations, Ive added them to my routine :) )

29th March 2010, 03:38 PM
To keep the fear away, what I do is pray, clear my space (or consider it sacred and protected in the first place) and bless it before I get comfy.

It's not an issue for me, because I don't project from my bed, and the times I get dweller symptoms is usually in bed, so there is no association with fear at all.

29th March 2010, 07:39 PM
I'll try that, thanks. :)

There's another thing I can't seem to get right.
When you hit the transition period, is it a go-with-the-flow kind of thing
or do you need to be more proactive?

29th March 2010, 09:17 PM
It depends. With phasing (which is what a WILD is, IMO) 'going with the flow' usually gets you to the brink, but you sometimes have to let yourself be 'sucked into' the environment. Sometimes intent is enough, sometimes there has to be an intense focusing into something in the scene, preferably something in the background, far back.

30th March 2010, 01:51 PM
Thanks for your help CF. :)

I did another WBTB this night. I was really tired so I stayed up for 45 minutes before going back to bed. I think I'm getting used to this
mind awake + body asleep thing, because I was very comfortable in this state this time. Anyway I drifted in an out of sleep again
while trancing (also felt some OBE exit symptoms) and failed my WILD attempt, but had 3 normal (dream induced) LDs in a row. Level up! 8)

Oh, and a strange thing happened in my 1st and 3d LD. At first I thought I couldn't open my eyes in the dream, but I noticed i had a patch of some sort on my right eye. It took some effort to get it off, but it grew right back. This happened 2-3 times. At first it felt like a dweller type thing, I'm not sure. But it was definitely some kind of interference. I've never experienced anything like it in my previous LDs so I guess the interference was external.

1st April 2010, 08:20 AM
Failed WBTBs and nap attempts are piling up. I'm either to awake to enter a dream
or fall asleep to fast and end up in a non-lucid dream. I can't seem to find the right
balance. Can anyone with more experience with WILDs offer some advice (or tell me
that it just takes time to develop a feel for it :P )?

1st April 2010, 04:00 PM
I think that it depends- many people report good results with Hemi-Sync- it seems to train you to recognize the point of awareness when you're in the right focus. Maybe it's worth a try.