View Full Version : Yellow!

Neil Templar
26th March 2010, 01:43 PM
i'm posting this here, tho i suspect it was an OBE but i didn't remember separation sensations.

i woke early this morning, around 6.30am. after deliberating whether to get up or try to get back to sleep, i decided to raise some energy and maybe try for an exit.
i got as far as getting a full body circuit going, tho it was feeling rather sluggish, i could feel myself falling asleep as my body enjoyed the nice warm energetic feeling moving round... i let myself fall asleep...

i'm in the house of an old school friend. we're in his room, and i see a record bag, very similar to one i own.
it's a very bright yellow colour on the outside, just like mine.
then i look out his bedroom window, and i see my bike, parked in the garden of the next door neighbour.
alarmed that the neighbour seems to have stolen my bike, i run out of the room... but i can't quite work out how to get downstairs.
i go back to the room, and double-check it's actually my bike.
it is, i can clearly see the bright yellow frame, and the custom paintwork.

i suddenly realise this isn't real, cos in "real" life i know my bike is in storage back in Amsterdam. :D

i wake up, in bed in the spare room at my Mum's where i'm staying right now.
i go to the back window, and look out, and in the neighbour's garden. next to my Mum's house, is my bike!! :evil:
i grab my jeans and put them on, intending to go out and retrieve my beloved bike. :wink:
as i move thru the house my Dad appears.
he's wearing one of my yellow t-shirts. :? i'm a little confused by his actions, then i realise, there's alot of yellow stuff here.
i look around, more yellow clothes, yellow towels...
i go downstairs...
yellow pictures in yellow frames hang on the wall.
into the kitchen, i see yellow place matts on the dining table.
soon the white walls begin to turn yellow.

there's a hell of a lot of yellow in this dream.
:roll: duh!! i just realise for the second time that it's not real, and i'm reminded of the thread a while back, Dream Oracle -
viewtopic.php?f=33&t=17786&start=0&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&hilit=dream+oracle (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=17786&start=0&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&hilit=dream+oracle)

i wake up for real. happy my bike is safe. 8)

27th March 2010, 08:29 AM
You already determined that your bicycle is somehow representing your energy body as "vehicle of consciousness" in another dream you posted. So, you have some troubles accessing your energy body, maybe.

However, you think about your real bike, and the inconsistency makes you lucid. Maybe that's the message of the bike - being the inconsistency that shakes you awake.

Yellow is the color of will and the third chakra. Too much yellow, too much willfulness, you may be trying too hard. It is your bike, and your dad is wearing your shirt, so that may be an indication that it is indeed your issue, even though you see it on the outside here.


27th March 2010, 08:35 AM
I wish I could get that Coldplay song out of my head. *sigh* :roll:

Neil Templar
27th March 2010, 10:19 AM
You already determined that your bicycle is somehow representing your energy body as "vehicle of consciousness" in another dream you posted. So, you have some troubles accessing your energy body, maybe.

hmmm, that's interesting.
i've been doing energy work regularly lately, and doing affirmations to become more aware of my energetic self...
tho i wonder if that part might not be simply about my bike. there are many times when i wish i had it here with me. in fact i've been making arrangements to have it brought over soon... apart from my computer, and books, my bike is truly the only material object i have any attachment to.

most likely, as always with symbols, a mixture of both. :wink:

Yellow is the color of will and the third chakra. Too much yellow, too much willfulness, you may be trying too hard. It is your bike, and your dad is wearing your shirt, so that may be an indication that it is indeed your issue, even though you see it on the outside here.

hmmm.... too much willfulness.
i'm trying to think, in what way i could be too willful.
either in shaping my life - my main objective at the moment. i've just moved home and am in the process of building a new lifestyle/career for myself.
or - maybe in trying to control the relationships in my life?

in fact, right now, is the first time in my life i've really had an idea of how i'd like things to be. and it's the first time i've really exerted myself to try to shape my life in any way. i've always been the sort of person who goes with the flow, taking opportunities as they come to me.
maybe i need to let go a little and trust that i'm on the right path already?.. i'd like to think that's it! :? :)

thanks Oliver. :D

28th March 2010, 07:49 AM
When creating and manifesting, I've been shown that it is helpful to do it this way:

Set your intention, state it clearly, and then let it go. It's important to observe what comes up ever since you set the intention, the same day, the following days and the following weeks. Observe what events enter your life, but also what feelings, what recurring problems. Try to see if it could be related to your intention, just assume you might be getting signs and events that show you what needs to be done or opportunities offered, inwardly and outwardly.

When you see a chance to let your desired goal come into being, if not, don't do anything. If no opportunities seem to come along, review your intention. Review your expectations of how things should happen, your feelings and actions. Whatever happens, be kind of accepting of it. Don't get down or worked up over a perceived setback, try to put it in context.

If nothing comes along, ask for guidance why your process isn't working. It might come in signs, synchronicities, dreams or in the words of a friend, whatever feels right as an answer.

This is not only a process of manifestation, it's a dialogue with your soul to show you why certain things come into being and why certain things do not. What would your soul like you to do, what would it like to give you energy and support for and what not. This not only helps you create, it helps you come into alignment with what aids your growth in a way that you feel you share in it in ways that you did not before.

It's a bit more active version of going with the flow. It's like exploring where there could be flow and going there or where there's none and not wasting your energy on that. There's always a doable step available in the direction where the soul wants you to go, it's never larger than life. Figuring it out, however, is a skill to be cultivated.


Neil Templar
28th March 2010, 09:41 AM
funny you should say that Oliver.
just yesterday i received one of those signs - a gift of a piece of equipment that i was gonna otherwise have to buy myself. something essential for my chosen path. 8)

28th March 2010, 04:28 PM
yes, yellow is all about willfulness. likely good color to institute the serenity prayer.