View Full Version : Disincarnated Spirits and Energy Body Configuration

25th March 2010, 09:03 PM
Dear Sir...

¿Is architecture of energy body (seven major centers and a few hundred of secondary and tertiary centers) only proper of living human beings?

When an human being dies, ¿architecture of energy body structures survives or, since a disincarnated spirit is only a point of conciousness that system collapses; mainly given the fact there exists a correspondence between energy body and main human body structures (brain and spinal points related to major chakras, bone skeleton joints related to secondary centers, and tertiary centers ( acting as input/output points) strategically positioned at suitable areas of skin surface).

My attention is drag to pictures of Gods like Amon-Ra and the golden headpiece (Uraeus, look at your "Energy Work", page 82) where you identify the allegorical character depicting the Serpent of Fire coiling 3 y 1/2 times.

Now, the billion dollars inquiries:

¿Gods and Godesses of ancient Egypt are assimilated to highly evolved points of conciousness? or ¿are something more than that?
¿may be they no more than incarnated spirits?
¿perhaps not more than advanced Egyptian priests whose kundalini has raised?
¿Priests with kundalini raised build a strong link with God Amon-Ra, and, therefore be one with him? ¿So, priests channel Amon-Ra?

My best regards...


Robert Bruce
1st April 2010, 06:04 AM

We do not know how this changes. We know the physical body falls to dust. But the energy body...we do not know.

The energy body creates and maintains the physical body. It may continue minus its physical body. Difficult to ascertain.

To answer your next part would require some actual knowledge of the difference between humans and gods.

Amon ra (also called Amen Ra).

But I agree, the Egyptians knew of kundalini and they seemed to have a system whereby their leaders raised kundalini.

A human spirit can I think eventually evolve to become godlike, and maybe even to become a god or deity. This is quite different from Source or what people call God....God/Source.

And yes, I think it is possible to create a connection with deities and gods.

The nature of life is to evolve. Therein lies the meaning of life 'creative evolution'.
