View Full Version : Spirit worlds

22nd March 2010, 01:43 PM
Hi Mr. Bruce

You said in one of your posts that You often visit friends and relatives in the spirit worlds...

Can you tell me one of your conversation with them? Did you ask them about afterlife, about God?... what did they said and how accurate they were?

And on other post you sad that any meditation and energy work is far better then Sungazing. But Sungazing is meditation just like candle, mirror, picture, eye2eye meditation...etc...at the end of any meditation you'll find that you're one with everything, same goes to Sun meditation. I just don't know what you meant with that state?

Cheers, VI.

Robert Bruce
23rd March 2010, 02:39 AM

These visits and conversations were with relatives and hence personal.

You'd have to give me the link to the Sungazing post, to remind me what I said and why.

Sungazing is a delicate exercise, and not without risk. This can be called a meditation.
