View Full Version : Knots = Dwellers?
Palehorse Redivivus
19th March 2010, 09:44 PM
Question for those with the knowledge / experience. These knots that kundalini often blows through on its way up -- is there any precedent for the idea of the "stuff" they're made of being where dwellers on the threshold (both astral and physical) are generated / reflected from? Or anything in your experience that might indicate that there's something to that connection?
19th March 2010, 09:47 PM
Do you mean energy body knots being of the same energy? Or do you mean knots having 'memory' associated with dwellers, when their nature is educational? (It's a clumsy question, but I don't know how else to ask it).
Palehorse Redivivus
19th March 2010, 10:18 PM
I'm specifically thinking of the three major knots called "granthis" in the Hindu tradition, which K goes through if they're not untangled and released already by the time it rises.
Basically I'm trying to get mine released or at least greatly diminished in advance, and in order to do that I'm trying to figure out what they're made of, what kind of material went into their formation, and what it actually needs to be undone and resolved rather than forcibly blown.
As I'm kind of working on what seems to be one of them, it's releasing material, and said material most often seems to be tied into "dweller" and "gate guardian" type phenomena, as well as various forms of self-sabotage and inserted interference. I don't project (and some of the stuff I'm finding in there may indicate why that is, even), but my impression is that this phenomena is tied into a lot of things, like the sort of material that might short out our manifestation, throw up obstacles to things we're trying to accomplish and etc. Even while doing the work on this material, it kept throwing up strong compulsions to either fall asleep or get distracted and do something else, lol. A lot of the things being released are actually making me think "oh, so there's the basis for that past event that prevented what I was shooting for." I'm also finding what seem to be a lot of "booby traps" in the form of inserted core image type stuff seemingly designed to make any "awakening" as deliberately difficult and traumatic as possible, so needless to say I'm trying to get as much of *that* cleared as I can now that it's accessible.
I just wanted to corroborate, or not, whether there was any formerly documented tie between these knots and the whole dweller / gate guardian theme, or if this is just a me-thing, or if whatever I'm untangling here and what are referred to as these universal knots are something else entirely.
22nd March 2010, 02:14 PM
The compulsions to fall asleep or get distracted are typical meditation phenomena, and might be tied into the preferences in your mental makeup. So, this is the typical clearing-out you need to do to establish a concentrated mind.
These knots that kundalini often blows through on its way up -- is there any precedent for the idea of the "stuff" they're made of being where dwellers on the threshold (both astral and physical) are generated / reflected from?
and said material most often seems to be tied into "dweller" and "gate guardian" type phenomena[/quote]
Can you describe what you are trying to say here more clearly and why you come to interpret this as you do?
What method are you using for doing this?
Also: Since you say you don't project... Do you journal your dreams or experiences of any kind?
22nd March 2010, 06:51 PM
if we look at the spinal cord's cellular makeup we see that along it are periodic masses of gray cells that are no different than brain cells. it is within these given masses that one may in fact as the one reasoning perspectively of the world may be seated, even as the brain is yet the main component for computing, memory...etc.
Palehorse Redivivus
22nd March 2010, 11:27 PM
[quote:wx0mq2bg]and said material most often seems to be tied into "dweller" and "gate guardian" type phenomena
Can you describe what you are trying to say here more clearly and why you come to interpret this as you do?[/quote:wx0mq2bg]
I've got a lot more "intel" having spent the last few days picking apart this ball o' "stuff" so here's what's come out of it...
The "dweller on the threshold" seems to be a normal function of intuition; ideally it would warn us away from things that pose unacceptable risk and toward things that would be in our best interest. However after centuries of fear-mongering on the subject of metaphysical phenomena and abilities, the "collective dweller" has become aligned as something that often acts as an obstacle to those across the board regardless of whether there's a valid reason or not.
I get the impression that the dweller is an archetype that resides at and projects from the brow chakra, and that "misaligned dweller" programming tends to get tangled in the major knot that is associated with it. In either case the dweller is a source of fear, deception, misdirection and distraction (and ideally, positive intuitive prods, I think) but without any real substance. From what I've seen and connections that have been made intuitively, I would say the same set of "stuff" is responsible for "astral hitch hiker" phenomena as well as that which causes those compulsions in meditation. Pretty much every time I'd will my way through the compulsions and distractions, I'd soon hit a pocket of something nasty and best gotten rid of that would open up and release its contents.
The "gate guardian" seems to be a related but technically separate archetype. Whereas the dweller can really only scare and misdirect, the gate guardian has the capacity to say "this is off limits," actively enforce it and fight back, or otherwise make forward movement logistically difficult or impossible.
Both seem to be aspects of the Self and best programmed with one's own ideals, goals, etc, though both can also be aligned with someone else's ideals and parameters, whether human, implanted neg interference and so forth. I get the impression also that they aren't necessarily limited to the astral; they're relevant to all the various planes, including the physical. A badly misaligned dweller might tie into a severe limiting phobia, or a misaligned GG might be the source of consistently being shut down and forcibly vetoed in an area where one wants to make progress, for instance.
In any case, this ball 'o crap has been releasing some really twisted and obviously inserted stuff, much of which even ties into physical world experiences that seemed to have been intended to manifest, and so I want to work through it "manually" and somewhat gradually rather than having all this stuff blown up and kicking off all at once, in full audio-visual, when I'm not in my right mind, in the event of snakie deciding to pop up and say 'ello.
What method are you using for doing this?
Everything but the kitchen sink, lol. A mix of the inner dissolving technique, awareness actions, HS guidance and occasional direct assistance from him and other friends, etheric implant removal and soul fragment reintegration of things that returned upon removing neg "placeholders," ordering parts of the contents to align how I need, violet flame, reiki and whatever else is indicated as appropriate depending on what presents itself.
...Its been a strange few days. :P
Also: Since you say you don't project... Do you journal your dreams or experiences of any kind?
Indeed, and those have been interesting and relevant lately too. Long story short, basically more implanted, destructive dweller / GG type programming I've drawn out of that knot that was first preventing dreaming (and probably projection) entirely, then preventing things like lucidity and flying, then preventing the dream environment from responding to my own intentions when I would get lucid, then having things show up to persuade me with apparent benevolence not to take control of the dream environment (which is actually more creepy than outright hostility, I think). As I've been taking apart that knot, my dreams have been changing accordingly and granting more freedom, mobility, less interference and more elements that make sense in terms of my own subconscious content and relevant themes, rather than foreign stuff and feeling like I'm a passenger in someone else's fictional universe whose established rules have nothing to do with me. Its been this whole cat 'n mouse game thats almost amusing at this point, but the way the progression of dreams has been going, things definitely seem to be moving in the direction of regaining control and influence over my own dreamspace (and probably the physical world implications of what reflects from the astral).
11th August 2010, 06:03 PM
I'm specifically thinking of the three major knots called "granthis" in the Hindu tradition, which K goes through if they're not untangled and released already by the time it rises.
Basically I'm trying to get mine released or at least greatly diminished in advance, and in order to do that I'm trying to figure out what they're made of, what kind of material went into their formation, and what it actually needs to be undone and resolved rather than forcibly blown.
As I'm kind of working on what seems to be one of them, it's releasing material, and said material most often seems to be tied into "dweller" and "gate guardian" type phenomena, as well as various forms of self-sabotage and inserted interference. I don't project (and some of the stuff I'm finding in there may indicate why that is, even), but my impression is that this phenomena is tied into a lot of things, like the sort of material that might short out our manifestation, throw up obstacles to things we're trying to accomplish and etc. Even while doing the work on this material, it kept throwing up strong compulsions to either fall asleep or get distracted and do something else, lol. A lot of the things being released are actually making me think "oh, so there's the basis for that past event that prevented what I was shooting for." I'm also finding what seem to be a lot of "booby traps" in the form of inserted core image type stuff seemingly designed to make any "awakening" as deliberately difficult and traumatic as possible, so needless to say I'm trying to get as much of *that* cleared as I can now that it's accessible.
I just wanted to corroborate, or not, whether there was any formerly documented tie between these knots and the whole dweller / gate guardian theme, or if this is just a me-thing, or if whatever I'm untangling here and what are referred to as these universal knots are something else entirely.
Wow, I have the exact same thing going on.
I’ve had this problem for years now. It’s like theres some kind of thoughtform that automatically pops into my perception during daily life, and plants thoughts in my head, just to throw me off balance. A few examples:
*I drive down the road and sees a man on a tractor*
-John turns light attention towards the man-
Random thought: “Maan, is he a fat ugly pig!!â€
*I walk down the street and see a woman crossing*
-Light attention-
Random thought: “I hope she gets run over!â€
This happens randomly, perhaps up to 50 times everyday. I try not to feed the loop energy by ignoring it. It also tries to destroy any of the naturally happy moments I have by feeding these thoughts and also sometimes images to me. It also wants to make me believe other people can read my mind when this pops up, to make me feel ashamed. It actually succeeds sometimes. These images would earlier generate strong emotions of repulsion, but as awareness have grown so has my ability to discern the true nature of this kind of stuff.
I also haven’t been able to project!
I’m looking into a process called metta, where you basically try to see all the happiness in the world and love it, all the time. Nice stuff, but I just got aware of the fact that I’m somehow also being influenced to rant and go in circles over trivial matters that really is no big deal for me anymore, just to keep me down. Yeah, throwing up obstacles.
I also sometimes doesn’t seem to be able to finish certain thoughts, it’s like hitting a wall of sticky dough that I have to get through.
In the beginning of metta practice there was heavy resistance during meditation. The good feelings would feel “oily†and tainted, as if there was a heavy barrier in between, severing the true connection.
Sometimes, when I managed to get the good feelings going, they would suddenly dissappear into nowhere, as if sucked up by a vacuum cleaner. Very wierd. Perhaps the gate guardian phenomenon?
Any specific tips of how to deal with this? I’ve been looking for a way to get rid of this for a long time. Is EW in the brow chakra area recommended? I suppose ignoring it is the first step.I felt fear by reading your posts, so I guess that’s a good sign that I’m actually on to something here.
Pretty much every time I'd will my way through the compulsions and distractions, I'd soon hit a pocket of something nasty and best gotten rid of that would open up and release its contents.
Do you do this during meditation? How’d you figure out where the pocket is located?
edit: This thing also likes to give me the impulse to carve out my left eye with my fingers for some reason. This impusle has been gone for about 1 year, but now it suddenly reappeared after writing this post.
Palehorse Redivivus
11th August 2010, 10:43 PM
Wow, I have the exact same thing going on.
I’ve had this problem for years now. It’s like theres some kind of thoughtform that automatically pops into my perception during daily life, and plants thoughts in my head, just to throw me off balance. A few examples:
*I drive down the road and sees a man on a tractor*
-John turns light attention towards the man-
Random thought: “Maan, is he a fat ugly pig!!â€
*I walk down the street and see a woman crossing*
-Light attention-
Random thought: “I hope she gets run over!â€
This happens randomly, perhaps up to 50 times everyday. I try not to feed the loop energy by ignoring it. It also tries to destroy any of the naturally happy moments I have by feeding these thoughts and also sometimes images to me. It also wants to make me believe other people can read my mind when this pops up, to make me feel ashamed. It actually succeeds sometimes. These images would earlier generate strong emotions of repulsion, but as awareness have grown so has my ability to discern the true nature of this kind of stuff.
I also haven’t been able to project!
It sounds like we have or have had a lot of very similar stuff going on. I actually don't know if I'd recommend ignoring it unless this has actually had an effect on the foreign thoughts and/or the effects they produce. This sort of interference is designed to make you identify yourself with it, take responsibility for something that isn't yours and shame you for it. Unfortunately ignoring it can cause it to sink below the level of awareness and continue operating like computer malware, affecting your experience while unseen and then forgotten, which is even more dangerous.
It may be more helpful to detach your own persona from them by acknowledging them when they pop up and the fact that they are not your own thoughts, and treat it like there was a separate person sitting there with you, saying these things out loud and trying to attribute them to yourself. Which is to say, adopt an eye-rolling, facepalming attitude toward someone who would do this, basically say "could you, like... do that somewhere else?" and in effect, countershame the shamer. Core image work would be useful for the images, but an idea I also just had is to think of it like someone following you around, whipping out a disturbing photo and sticking it in front of you every time you're trying to have an authentic moment. At least then it goes from repulsive and disturbing to semi-hilarious in a pathetic sorta way, and you could adopt the attitude of "c'mon dude, srsly? Nah man. Just... no." :P
I’m looking into a process called metta, where you basically try to see all the happiness in the world and love it, all the time. Nice stuff, but I just got aware of the fact that I’m somehow also being influenced to rant and go in circles over trivial matters that really is no big deal for me anymore, just to keep me down. Yeah, throwing up obstacles.
Keep in mind that it is possible to coercively insert these problems into someone, especially problems you've already overcome, or random stuff that would not have been an issue for you if someone had not simply stuffed it in your psyche and bound it there. So for instance you may have gotten very skilled at overcoming negative thoughts, but not as good at blocking coercion and recognizing external interference, so something simply forms a negative thoughtloop, attaches your name to it and sticks it in your sphere.
Needless to say I have come to think the process of "owning" everything that comes through myself with personal responsibility, has been way overused.
I also sometimes doesn’t seem to be able to finish certain thoughts, it’s like hitting a wall of sticky dough that I have to get through.
In the beginning of metta practice there was heavy resistance during meditation. The good feelings would feel “oily†and tainted, as if there was a heavy barrier in between, severing the true connection.
Sometimes, when I managed to get the good feelings going, they would suddenly dissappear into nowhere, as if sucked up by a vacuum cleaner. Very wierd. Perhaps the gate guardian phenomenon?
Any specific tips of how to deal with this? I’ve been looking for a way to get rid of this for a long time. Is EW in the brow chakra area recommended? I suppose ignoring it is the first step.I felt fear by reading your posts, so I guess that’s a good sign that I’m actually on to something here.
I can relate to all of this but have not fully overcome it lately myself as it ramped up to the extreme in a short period, and I've had to try and understand what was actually happening while under a lot of strain while the problem was ongoing. I do have it narrowed down to the point of realizing there exists the problem of info-theft / leakage in the same way that energy can be stolen and parasitized, which is a more well known issue. This can cause problems with thought, memory, clarity, privacy and so forth. Having your thoughts intercepted by sticky dough may be one form of this.
Do you do this during meditation? How’d you figure out where the pocket is located?
Its been a while since I was working on this specifically but IIRC it was just tactile imaging and poking around in the area. I'd feel a sense of release and then something would leak out, and I'd clear it with whatever healing / clearing modality seemed appropriate.
edit: This thing also likes to give me the impulse to carve out my left eye with my fingers for some reason. This impusle has been gone for about 1 year, but now it suddenly reappeared after writing this post.
The wounded / removed left eye is very archetypal, goes back to Odin and possibly even further back to the eye of Horus. It finds its way into pop culture also; the example that comes to mind offhand is Frank the rabbit from Donnie Darko (which now that I think of it, is probably some sort of white rabbit / eye of Odin symbolism combination; double the disturbing, double the fun! :P)
I get the sense that regardless of the significance it had for those deity figures at the time, it's something that has haunted the collective unconscious ever since. I have seen and (etherically) felt various things going on with my left eye at times; for instance at one point I looked in the bathroom mirror and saw a flash image of it being slashed. The attached thoughtforms seem to be something like "this is the next step in your initiation" -- but I do not and would not recommend taking it as such at all; it's simply something in the collective that has degraded and needs to be overcome in itself, not indulged. The way it manifests reminds me a lot of a subconscious version of the way many people seek to "be like Jesus" via various forms of self abuse masquerading as piety.
13th August 2010, 01:17 PM
It sounds like we have or have had a lot of very similar stuff going on. I actually don't know if I'd recommend ignoring it unless this has actually had an effect on the foreign thoughts and/or the effects they produce. This sort of interference is designed to make you identify yourself with it, take responsibility for something that isn't yours and shame you for it. Unfortunately ignoring it can cause it to sink below the level of awareness and continue operating like computer malware, affecting your experience while unseen and then forgotten, which is even more dangerous.
It may be more helpful to detach your own persona from them by acknowledging them when they pop up and the fact that they are not your own thoughts, and treat it like there was a separate person sitting there with you, saying these things out loud and trying to attribute them to yourself. Which is to say, adopt an eye-rolling, facepalming attitude toward someone who would do this, basically say "could you, like... do that somewhere else?" and in effect, countershame the shamer. Core image work would be useful for the images, but an idea I also just had is to think of it like someone following you around, whipping out a disturbing photo and sticking it in front of you every time you're trying to have an authentic moment. At least then it goes from repulsive and disturbing to semi-hilarious in a pathetic sorta way, and you could adopt the attitude of "c'mon dude, srsly? Nah man. Just... no." :P
Actually, ignoring it hasn’t really worked at all. So I’ll try this! Thanks alot. That idea with a guy following you around is great btw. :D
Keep in mind that it is possible to coercively insert these problems into someone, especially problems you've already overcome, or random stuff that would not have been an issue for you if someone had not simply stuffed it in your psyche and bound it there. So for instance you may have gotten very skilled at overcoming negative thoughts, but not as good at blocking coercion and recognizing external interference, so something simply forms a negative thoughtloop, attaches your name to it and sticks it in your sphere.
Yeah, that sounds right. I’ve informed my guides of my wish to develop in this area.
Actually, one of the reasons I pushed myself into hard development was to get rid of this. It thought it was a neg first. To get to the bottom of the problem, I thought it would be a good idea to remove the low vibrations in myself that allowed for it to attach to me. It did'nt work.
Needless to say I have come to think the process of "owning" everything that comes through myself with personal responsibility, has been way overused.
Good point.
I can relate to all of this but have not fully overcome it lately myself as it ramped up to the extreme in a short period, and I've had to try and understand what was actually happening while under a lot of strain while the problem was ongoing. I do have it narrowed down to the point of realizing there exists the problem of info-theft / leakage in the same way that energy can be stolen and parasitized, which is a more well known issue. This can cause problems with thought, memory, clarity, privacy and so forth. Having your thoughts intercepted by sticky dough may be one form of this.
Alright, I’ve just used Rei Williams method of “Tweak Your Beliefs†on the phenomena. I’ll report back later to see if it works well.
This thing has actually stopped me from using that method once eariler when I thought about it, and made me think it was the wish of my spirit guides, for me to “overcome this on my own.†Creepy stuff.
Thanks for everything!
/ F2A
Palehorse Redivivus
14th August 2010, 03:22 AM
Actually, ignoring it hasn’t really worked at all. So I’ll try this! Thanks alot. That idea with a guy following you around is great btw. :D
Yeeeah, I actually *just* came up with that in the process of writing the post, lol. But I had to ask myself -- how often and in what cases does ignoring a problem actually work to solve it? This is where I put duality to good use -- whether it's external interference or a misaligned self aspect, you've got yourself who does not appreciate being forcibly distracted and shamed, and something else doing the shaming. Shaming is always intended as a method of behavior modification, and if it's going to be used in my sphere (especially in my own head) it's going to be me using it to shame an intrusive influence into backing down. Anything else is unacceptable, and if I can amuse myself in the process, all the better. :mrgreen:
To get to the bottom of the problem, I thought it would be a good idea to remove the low vibrations in myself that allowed for it to attach to me. It did'nt work.
This is a major theme for me lately, but I have detached the concept of low vibration entirely from any concept of toxicity or immorality. It's just a vibration, and cutting it off would be like removing the bass and low end entirely from a good piece of music, thereby gutting it of power and foundation. For that matter, my attempts to connect with the higher (vibration) realms have often left a bad taste in my mouth; their denizens have not been particularly ethical toward myself, and if anything they seem more adept at deluding themselves to the contrary than those further down the vibrational spectrum. I've been interfered with by low vibe stuff as well of course, but more recently the high vibe stuff has been by far the most persistent and problematic. I have actually been able to gain a mutual respect, affinity and even loving connections with low-vibe denizens more consistently than their higher vibe counterparts.
Thanks for everything!
No prob! :)
14th August 2010, 10:47 AM
Yeeeah, I actually *just* came up with that in the process of writing the post, lol. But I had to ask myself -- how often and in what cases does ignoring a problem actually work to solve it? This is where I put duality to good use -- whether it's external interference or a misaligned self aspect, you've got yourself who does not appreciate being forcibly distracted and shamed, and something else doing the shaming. Shaming is always intended as a method of behavior modification, and if it's going to be used in my sphere (especially in my own head) it's going to be me using it to shame an intrusive influence into backing down. Anything else is unacceptable, and if I can amuse myself in the process, all the better. :mrgreen:
Great! I actually started treating it as a misbehaving animal. “Baaad doggy!!!†It got a bit pissed off, it think. :mrgreen:
Actually, it’s not been entirely bad to have this thing. I’ve used it as a catalyst to give me more opportunities to learn to stop judging myself and others. By not judging myself for the things it would present, I could progress more quickly in that area.
After all, I suppose the only reason negative stuff like this exist is because we’re here to learn...
This is a major theme for me lately, but I have detached the concept of low vibration entirely from any concept of toxicity or immorality. It's just a vibration, and cutting it off would be like removing the bass and low end entirely from a good piece of music, thereby gutting it of power and foundation.
Wow, that’s really good to know!
For that matter, my attempts to connect with the higher (vibration) realms have often left a bad taste in my mouth; their denizens have not been particularly ethical toward myself, and if anything they seem more adept at deluding themselves to the contrary than those further down the vibrational spectrum. I've been interfered with by low vibe stuff as well of course, but more recently the high vibe stuff has been by far the most persistent and problematic. I have actually been able to gain a mutual respect, affinity and even loving connections with low-vibe denizens more consistently than their higher vibe counterparts.
I’m not sure I’m following you here. Are you like, phasing into different planes here? How do you connect with them? I have no experience whatsoever with this.
Take care!
Palehorse Redivivus
15th August 2010, 11:40 PM
Great! I actually started treating it as a misbehaving animal. “Baaad doggy!!!†It got a bit p!ssed off, it think. :mrgreen:
Actually, it’s not been entirely bad to have this thing. I’ve used it as a catalyst to give me more opportunities to learn to stop judging myself and others. By not judging myself for the things it would present, I could progress more quickly in that area.
After all, I suppose the only reason negative stuff like this exist is because we’re here to learn...
Based on my own experience I would recommend going with the "neg interference as growth opportunity" approach only to a point. On one hand it's like well, it's happening anyway, so make the best of it, and yes it can be. On the other, when taken too far, this can cause it to continue on for various reasons. I do know for instance that human life unknowingly intrudes on a lot of nonphysical realms, whose denizens then get understandably cranky with ourselves. Your last line is a widespread attitude, but I can't help but think that telling another self-respecting yet potentially hostile sentient being "the only reason you exist is because I'm here to learn" does not exactly improve relations, heh.
I have also come to see misaligned self-stuff more in a cause / effect sorta way than as a growth opportunity. It can be of course, but at this point I think I've done about all the growing I can or want to based on fixing broken parts.
For that matter, my attempts to connect with the higher (vibration) realms have often left a bad taste in my mouth; their denizens have not been particularly ethical toward myself, and if anything they seem more adept at deluding themselves to the contrary than those further down the vibrational spectrum. I've been interfered with by low vibe stuff as well of course, but more recently the high vibe stuff has been by far the most persistent and problematic. I have actually been able to gain a mutual respect, affinity and even loving connections with low-vibe denizens more consistently than their higher vibe counterparts.
I’m not sure I’m following you here. Are you like, phasing into different planes here? How do you connect with them? I have no experience whatsoever with this.
I had stuff blow a while back where I was getting a lot of nonphysical interaction and visitation from all over the spectrum that I was largely unable to moderate. Now things have rebuilt a bit and I'm starting to do it deliberately, via a combination of energetic connecting, vibe sensing, communication and limited audio-visuals, rather than actual immersive travel (though travel is showing signs of being an option too).
What I meant there was that in my experience, "higher" beings tend to dwell in places with a very blissed out vibe (especially the ones who are into oneness), and so it's like they're anaesthetized and blind to their own tendency to not respect boundaries or have problems and faults of their own, which seem to run on autopilot. The no-self types seem to still be sentient beings, but ones who have lost all sense of personal responsibility or perception of what they're actually doing. This is a dangerous situation should someone like myself show up, because I've often been unable to have a regular conversation without someone trying to rush in and "fix" me against my will, lol. I haven't yet adapted defenses for a lot of things that go on up there, so I don't connect in that direction much. Suffice to say that the heavens may be as stuffed full of "stuck" people in need of retrievals as the hells.
3rd September 2010, 03:42 PM
So, I've been praying for help from masters and guides, and on several occasions I've recieved cleansing from these benevolent forces. However, the problem kept creeping back after a few days. So I suspected that it really couldn't be solved through any other means than through a psychological approach, that the "I" was somehow entangled in it on a deep level.
I kept praying for clues as to how approach the problem. However it seems I've been kinda blind to the tips. I have in dreams gotten signals that I need to get anger out of me. Initially I was confused about this and did not connect these signs to the problem because I didn't think I had any anger in me. I'm usually a quite calm person and I almost never get angry with anything.
But then I forced my self to rage out so to speak and also try release any other emotions that I have had bottled up. (In private of course!)
And now it seems as if the problem is diminishing. Every time I feel this thing approaching me, it kinda slides back off me, energetically. It's like it can't get as much "grip" anymore. There has been some release of blockages around the brow chakra and that area. I have yet to see if this is a permanent solution or if it will find some other way to bug me. Perhaps it was even just a malfunctional supressed part of my ego expressing itself. I have no clue. But I still have large blockages in the left side of the face and in the chin.
I don't know if this info can help you, but I hope it can!
Take care,
Aunt Clair
14th September 2010, 08:34 AM
...But I still have large blockages in the left side of the face and in the chin.
The left side of the face can become blocked by words we said that lacked love,mercy and compassion or words that we should have said ,but neglected to do so , in the defense or nurturing of another.The left side face and jaw may also become blocked by words that were said by mother, mother figures or significant females in one's life which were hurtful and/or hard to hear. The chin is a place of truth accepting and standing in our own truth . It can become blocked when we blame everyone else for everything that happens to us. If you have been wounded ,then heal. You are capable of this.
We can forgive , accept , move on and also realise that sometimes the suffering another dishes out to us cleanses a past karma which is a good thing or it is an incipient event that earns us karmic points by our choices to not inflict a reciprocal attack.
And sometimes suffering places us in a better place. When it seems we have nothing but walls around us and no window or door to escape we can look upwards and find the skylight through which we can fly upwards and onward.
The suffering another vents upon us can reward us with a surprise , a happy ending and a better opportunity.
If another hurts us, they hurt themselves. Walking away pitying them is often the best course of action because revenge or carrying their baggage only causes us to become ill , depressed and anxious. Trust the universe and let go. Love yourself , forgive yourself , heal yourself. Then love others, forgive others and attempt to send healing to others. If you cannot forgive them try to move on and forget them .
The universe always punishes the bullies so do not allow them to punish you more by carrying their scars. The words and actions of bullies enter the body and diminish our soul. They wound us and cause us depression which is self hatred. The harm inflicted by another causes us dis-ease and we futher author our own death to escape the game this time and start over again. We do not have to do that. Pity them and move on and prosper because you can spread more love and light.
14th September 2010, 10:10 AM
...But I still have large blockages in the left side of the face and in the chin.
The left side of the face can become blocked by words we said that lacked love,mercy and compassion or words that we should have said ,but neglected to do so , in the defense or nurturing of another.The left side face and jaw may also become blocked by words that were said by mother, mother figures or significant females in one's life which were hurtful and/or hard to hear. The chin is a place of truth accepting and standing in our own truth . It can become blocked when we blame everyone else for everything that happens to us. If you have been wounded ,then heal. You are capable of this.
We can forgive , accept , move on and also realise that sometimes the suffering another dishes out to us cleanses a past karma which is a good thing or it is an incipient event that earns us karmic points by our choices to not inflict a reciprocal attack.
And sometimes suffering places us in a better place. When it seems we have nothing but walls around us and no window or door to escape we can look upwards and find the skylight through which we can fly upwards and onward.
The suffering another vents upon us can reward us with a surprise , a happy ending and a better opportunity.
If another hurts us, they hurt themselves. Walking away pitying them is often the best course of action because revenge or carrying their baggage only causes us to become ill , depressed and anxious. Trust the universe and let go. Love yourself , forgive yourself , heal yourself. Then love others, forgive others and attempt to send healing to others. If you cannot forgive them try to move on and forget them .
The universe always punishes the bullies so do not allow them to punish you more by carrying their scars. The words and actions of bullies enter the body and diminish our soul. They wound us and cause us depression which is self hatred. The harm inflicted by another causes us dis-ease and we futher author our own death to escape the game this time and start over again. We do not have to do that. Pity them and move on and prosper because you can spread more love and light.
Thanks a lot.
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