View Full Version : "snapshots"

Neil Templar
16th March 2010, 04:46 PM
this morning i had a rather unusual one.
i can't remember any of the details now, but it's not the details that made it unusual.
this one had a structure to it, like i've never experienced before.

it was like watch ing a movie, and the central character of each scene, was talking directly at the camera/to me.
so i'd be watching a friend walking along, talking to me, then another character would enter the frame, and interact in some way with the first character. they'd have their exchange, and then character 1 would do/say something to distract character 2, and pull out of his pocket a photograph. then he'd hand it to character 2, and leave the frame.
now character 2 is the central character, and he/she, looks at the photo.
then the scene from the photo, is shown to me. character 2 is also the central character in this scene.
again, the scene ends with a new character entering, having an exchange with ch2, and pulling a photo out of a bag, or pointing to one on a table, whatever. the process continues...
so it was like - scene, photo appears, scene from photo plays out, new photo appears, scene from photo plays out... etc etc... :?

kinda like, realities within realities, within realities...

all the characters were people i've known in life, but none of the scenes were events that have taken place, at least in this universe/lifetime. :wink:

any thoughts?

16th March 2010, 09:47 PM
I have some thoughts but nothing you probably haven't thought up by yourself, I'm sure.
Something along the lines of- whoever is in your life at a time has something to teach you, and when the lesson is done they leave the 'plane' and then it's the next person's turn to teach you whatever is symbolized in the photo scene.
Interesting thing- I have to say that I've never read about of a dream like yours before.