View Full Version : Stress and how it effects OBE attempts?

Red Arrow
11th March 2010, 05:12 PM
Due to various events occurring all at once, I have been incredibly stressed out lately - to the point where eating causes discomfort, which I'm addressing with herbs and meditation - but I'm just curious how others have seen stress effect (or not) their OBE efforts.

Even though I'm raising energy even more than before, I can't seem to generate as much of the etheric/subtle, and while I can feel a low level ...umm, gathering of energy there around my body, it is nothing like what I've been able to do previously. Seems the ship does not want to leave the port during stormy times! :lol:

My sense is that I'm simply using so much energy processing the stress on my mind/body, that there simply isn't enough to go around? I have more thoughts, but I'd love to have a conversation with others so I'll save them for now.

So how have any of you seen stress effects your OBE efforts, or not? (Or your energy or how you run it.)

(and mods, I hope this is the right section?)

11th March 2010, 06:22 PM
Hmmm, I'd put it in the OBE R & D section.
Anyway, in my case, different kinds of stress has various effects on my practice- sometimes worrying about someone or something can actually motivate me to practice, and certain types of stress actually have helped me achieve a goal- however, other types of stress get in my way, when it interrupts my ability to focus, or when it makes me so emotionally 'uncentered' that I'm not able to control my thoughts/emotions.
I have found that grief is the worst block, and yet exhaustion is a state that can cause me to OBE more frequently- the intensity of the emotion once again can either propel me forward or get in my way- so it's a big Depends. (Sounds like an adult diaper commercial, lol.)

Red Arrow
15th March 2010, 05:05 PM
Hmmm, I'd put it in the OBE R & D section.

One of these days I'll get it right!

Anyway, in my case, different kinds of stress has various effects on my practice- sometimes worrying about someone or something can actually motivate me to practice, and certain types of stress actually have helped me achieve a goal-

I could see this, yes. And that's a good point - this is a different kind of stress to me, as it is not personal, or direct. (Struggling for words, here...) For instance, during this time I worked with a client giving assistance with shamanic healing. I was very careful to raise energy, etc., and in general I felt energized and very capable (otherwise I would not have done it - in fact, if the call had come a few weeks earlier I would not have as I was still too depleted. If anything, I found it helped me to center better and lifted me out of the stress of my personal issues. This btw, speaks to me of the power of compassion and assisting one another - it benefits all. Helping someone else brought me round to my Truth, instead of running in circles in my mind with my Ego worrying about all our current troubles).

however, other types of stress get in my way, when it interrupts my ability to focus, or when it makes me so emotionally 'uncentered' that I'm not able to control my thoughts/emotions.

Yes, exactly.

I have found that grief is the worst block, and yet exhaustion is a state that can cause me to OBE more frequently- the intensity of the emotion once again can either propel me forward or get in my way- so it's a big Depends. (Sounds like an adult diaper commercial, lol.)[/quote]