View Full Version : A Gift of Jewels; and English Was an Asset

9th March 2010, 12:09 PM
In my dream I was in a coastal town. For some reason I had it in mind that it was Amsterdam, but it looked more like the Oregon coast (where we're actually moving). There were lots of tourists and I was a seasonal worker contracted because I spoke English. Only English speakers were hired. That was because ALL of the tourists turned out to be Americans.

I worked in a hotel. As a tip , someone gave me a smallish bag of what I thought was coins. I took the bag back to my room and discovered that they were jewels. Beautiful rings, encrusted with diamonds and sapphires.

There was a gem show going on in the hotel, so I took the jewels over. I walked into a room and saw a huge table full of jewelry. There was one man seated there. He looked like a big, fat, Greek, mafia type. I handed him one of the rings. He examined it and said something (I don't know what he said). Then he pulled out a 100 dollar bill and smoothed it out as he laid it on the table. He said I could have it if I would donate some of it to charity. I said OK, and he asked how much I was going to donate. I thought for a moment and said I'd donate $20. He seems pleased, and gave me the money. He said that because I gave more than the minimum he was going to give me a bonus. He then handed me a fifty dollar bill.

This dream turned out to be absolutely FULL of precognitive information. Some was important, and some very silly and useless. BUT, I still feel like there is a bigger message that I am missing. This dream seemed important, and I woke up feeling very good. Any ideas? :D

9th March 2010, 02:33 PM
This dream seemed to comfirm the idea that to get you must first give- and the jewels would indicate (IMO) that whatever you are giving is very valuable and will bring rich rewards.
Other than that, depends on what's going on in your life.