View Full Version : Reiki Healer (Chakra) Treatment <--> Energy Work

8th March 2010, 08:16 PM
Hi Bruce,

I plan to see a Reiki master healer (teacher grade in Jikkiden R.) for a kind of generic treatment (60 min.) or
a so-called Chakra "Cleaning" treatment (50 min.).

Would you recommend a Chakra treatment by a healer in order to support/enhance the energy work I am doing on my own?
(btw, the Chakra treatment is more expensive than the other one. Why is that?)

Could there be any detrimental effects for my own energy work (or in general)? Is a 'generic' treatment better than just chakra treatment?

If I'd like to receive regular treatment, how often would be advisable (e.g. 1 per 2 weeks, 1 per month, 1 per 2 months, etc.)?

Thanks and regards,

Robert Bruce
9th March 2010, 05:13 AM

I am no expert on Reiki, although my daughterinlaw, Kim, is a Reiki master.

Any form of healing or chakra balancing is beneficial for energy work. You could call this a tuneup for the chakras.

I cannot think of any adverse effects.

The general rule here is to try it and see how you feel. If you feel better, do it again, or do it more often.

Try it monthly and see how you feel. Have it more often and see if it makes a difference or not.
