View Full Version : energetic sensations
7th March 2010, 04:59 AM
Hello -
I have been experiencing energetic sensations for some time now - vibrations, pressure, movement, rocking back and forth and side to side, something lifting off and/or remerging with me. I don't know what it is - can't tell if its of me or something else, and I don't "see" what it is I just feel it. Usually there is no anxiety or fear associated. So - to my question - I just felt strong pressure in my brow, and over the bridge of my nose, and then a pulse at the base of my neck. Then I got really really tired and slept for 3 hours.
What I want to discover is if something is plugging in and taking my energy. Or - what it is and why its happening. I'd like to know if anyone else experiences this kind of energetic sensation and what sense they've made of it if any.
Thanks much,
7th March 2010, 05:42 PM
Is this happening when you are fully awake,or is it happening when you are falling asleep?
These are all symptoms of projection, and the only time I've heard of it happening to someone (Tempestinateapot, to be more exact) fully awake and walking around, she had been doing a retreat in which they were doing extremely long meditations. I believe it was a four-hour meditation or something like that.
I don't think (from the symptoms) this is external to you, I think your energy body is exteriorizing. If you are fully awake (and not sleepy or sleep deprived) when this happens, I suggest you look for physical reasons for this.
If it happens upon going to sleep, don't worry, it's exit sensations.
FWIW, I have felt some pressure, like Astral Wind, lately, and have felt similar symptoms while awake (but relaxed). So it might be 'something in the air', like Astral Wind, or something like that.
I wonder if anyone else has been feeling that way lately.
Neil Templar
7th March 2010, 06:30 PM
FWIW, I have felt some pressure, like Astral Wind, lately, and have felt similar symptoms while awake (but relaxed). So it might be 'something in the air', like Astral Wind, or something like that.
I wonder if anyone else has been feeling that way lately.
for a while a few months ago, i was getting the "cobwebs" feeling, on my face, sometimes while fully awake, but mostly when winding down towards sleep.
8th March 2010, 12:07 PM
I have been experiencing energetic sensations for some time now - vibrations, pressure, movement, rocking back and forth and side to side, something lifting off and/or remerging with me.
Hello, Kristen.
I agree with the others - this sounds like the projection reflex. It does not sound like anything harmful from what you describe here.
The thing about the projection reflex is that you cannot usually identify it as such if you only remember the physical body side - Robert Bruce described this as the "mind split." There's only one physical brain to store and remember what happened, but your awareness exists in two places - an energy body and in your physical body. Especially in the beginning of development you get no input from the energy body to be stored in your brain - you just notice what happens with the energy of your body while separation, remerging and similar phenomena of contact occur, when the two bodies interact most strongly.
It's like not being able to see an object but the shadow it casts on a wall - you cannot tell how big the object is or what it is. A hand held before a candle can evoke a picture of a dog or rabbit on the wall - so you cannot really know what it is. But you know something is going on, and I think that's what is happening here. You're assuming because you're not conscious of what is going on it might be someone else - but it is possible it is yourself, you're just not conscious of it.
I've felt something merge with me and I've felt something separate from me while awake but relaxed - when waking up from sleep or when relaxing on a train ride. I've also felt my energy body rotate in various ways and directions around me while slightly relaxed, even with my eyes open. A very peculiar sensation, where I felt like I rotated like in a carnival ride and sat still in a spot at the same time - these overlays of sensation can happen.
You didn't exactly say when this happens for you - and you said you slept 3hrs afterwards. So, was this while laying down or before sleep?
I just felt strong pressure in my brow, and over the bridge of my nose, and then a pulse at the base of my neck.
If your overall energy flow increases, which is typical for the projection reflex, then naturally you will feel pressure in areas of your body where there are energetic blocks. The areas you describe could be such energetic blocks. The nose bridge is part of your main circuit, as is the base of your neck, and the brow itself is the location of one of your chakras. The main circuit will carry the current and the chakras will be serviced by this current during the projection reflex - so if you have any blocks somewhere in these energetic systems you would feel it there first and most prominently, I would guess.
Take care,
10th March 2010, 12:33 AM
Hi All,
For this experience - I was sitting on the couch watching TV and interacting with my family... then right after it happened I "hit a wall" of tiredness. When I experience the other energetic stuff I'm describing I am usually alert and active, and its not followed by a profound sleepiness. But most of the time I am sitting in my spot on the couch watching TV, reading or crocheting or something. These sensations/vibrations/pressures and "pushes" often happen when I'm sitting in front of the computer writing. Other times its been at work - while in court or talking to a client - in other words, very alert. I used to project while sleeping a lot - and I haven't really had what I thought exit sensations are supposed to be while inbetween sleeping/waking states, or in a meditation state, at least not any that I am conscious of.
- I've gotten used to living this way, but I still wonder if my theories - or anyone's - about it really are what's going on. I feel like I am being messed with sometimes.
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