View Full Version : a sever case of psychic attack, PLEASE HELP ME.

5th March 2010, 12:12 AM
Hi Robert
I am a 21 years old university student and live in Ontario, Canada.
I have been under severs psychic attack for about two weeks now. I started getting attacked the first time I had an out of body experience, and the attacker has not left ever since. The spirit follows me around, even when I don’t pay attention to it and when I try to “get rid of it” it will wait and attack me the first second I get into my bed or the first second I get up from a dream. It has gotten to a point where I can’t eat or drink any more. I throw up everything I eat. I usually get about 1-2 hrs of sleep per night. I am buying your book on Amazon, but I really think it will be too late by the time I read and digest the material. I’m so fatigued I can barely speak. I have crossed running water, tried grounding myself, cut garlic everywhere (and carry them with me around) and shower myself with white light, but the spirit is too stubborn and I’m too fatigued.
I have missed so many class that I am considering dropping out of school at this time ( final examination time) of the year
How can I rid myself of this spirit once and for all?

Robert Bruce
6th March 2010, 04:46 AM

I need more details here. You say you have tried running water and grounding. In what ways have you done this and for how long?

What happened during your OBE attempt, and when was this?

What is the nature of these attacks?

Is this spirit communicating with you? Is it saying anything?

I also suggest you see a medical doctor ASAP. You absolutely must get healthy amounts of sleep.

Restoring your sleep deficit will solve 99% of your problems. This should be your priority.

Again, see a doctor and get something to help you sleep.


Hi Robert
I am a 21 years old university student and live in Ontario, Canada.
I have been under severs psychic attack for about two weeks now. I started getting attacked the first time I had an out of body experience, and the attacker has not left ever since. The spirit follows me around, even when I don’t pay attention to it and when I try to “get rid of it” it will wait and attack me the first second I get into my bed or the first second I get up from a dream. It has gotten to a point where I can’t eat or drink any more. I throw up everything I eat. I usually get about 1-2 hrs of sleep per night. I am buying your book on Amazon, but I really think it will be too late by the time I read and digest the material. I’m so fatigued I can barely speak. I have crossed running water, tried grounding myself, cut garlic everywhere (and carry them with me around) and shower myself with white light, but the spirit is too stubborn and I’m too fatigued.
I have missed so many class that I am considering dropping out of school at this time ( final examination time) of the year
How can I rid myself of this spirit once and for all?