View Full Version : Public Remote Viewing Target Pool

1st March 2010, 11:40 PM
Hi all,

I've developed a website to provide remote viewing target locations for people to practice with. The public generator is available at:

http://www.wonkle.co.uk/Remote_Viewing/ ... erator.php (http://www.wonkle.co.uk/Remote_Viewing/target_generator.php)

For users who wish to you can register with the site and submit locations to the target pool (although this is moderated and negative targets rejected). They can also access a task queue and complete details from remote viewing sessions before accessing the target details. The site tracks performance and if the user makes there profile public will display their sessions for sessions with an accuracy greater than 3.

Users can score all remote viewing sessions except their own. I'm in the process of building a feature to request a second opinion of a score in the meantime you can use the contact form to request a review of an assigned score.

http://www.wonkle.co.uk/Remote_Viewing/ ... p?nav=home (http://www.wonkle.co.uk/Remote_Viewing/index.php?nav=home)

Hope it's useful to some people.

Best wishes,


1st March 2010, 11:42 PM
Approved by Admin.